Chapter 4: Morning Preparations

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Taehyung's POV

"Hellooo...did you fall asleep?" I asked but got no response. 

"This silly girl" I said to myself while patting her head.

I need to go back to sleep. I got up and carried her to the couch. I placed her down gently and covered her with a blanket.

I sat down and scanned her face, her hair looked really soft and her cheeks are kind of chubby.

"How cute." I whispered while stroking her hair.

She must've felt it because she placed her hand on top of mine. My eyes widen and my heart started to beat really fast. Nerves began to travel through my arms, my hands, and my cheeks. I've never felt this before.

I looked at her and she started to smile. She's so pretty even when she sleeps.

Her hand slipped and she turned around. I got up and patted her head,

"Goodnight Rose." I whispered and went back to bed.

Rose's POV

I woke up to the sound of footsteps. I got up and headed towards the kitchen.

"Good morning" I said once I saw Jin.

Jin faced me, "Morning, did you sleep okay?"

"I did, how about you?" I replied. 

He smiled, "Pretty good, thanks for asking."

I walked towards him, "So what are you making?" 

"Pancakes, eggs, and bacon" he replied while focusing on flipping the pancakes.

"Do you want me to do it for you?" I asked. 

He looked at me with a questioning face but I insisted, "It's the least that I can do, now go get ready for your photo shoot."

"Okay, but if you need any help call me over." he said while walking away.

I started to flip the pancakes and make the eggs and bacon. The boys must've woken up because they started to come to the kitchen.

"Noona, what are you doing?" Jungkook asked. 

Before I could answer Taehyung yelled, "PANCAKES!!! My favorite, how did you know?!"

"We all know you love pancakes but would it kill you to be a little quieter, we just woke up." Namjoon said while pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Sorry hyung I got a little carried away, but look Rose is making us breakfast." Taehyung replied with his signature smile.

"Are you guys already dressed? Wow you guys are fast. Anyways, could you get the table set up and get your drinks while I finish making the food please?" I asked and they all nodded and went to set up the table.

Jungkook came up to me, "Noona do you need any help with anything?" 

I handed him a stack of pancakes "Can you help me serve the food?" 

"Of course! If you need anything you can always ask me." He said full of confidence. So Jungkook and I started to serve breakfast, once everyone got a plate I went back to the kitchen and started to clean up.

As much as I loved spending time with them I knew that I needed to leave, they had things to do and I was just going to be in the way.

I was cleaning the dishes when Jin came into the kitchen and started to help. "Why aren't you eating with the rest of us?" he asked.

"It's okay i'm not that hungry...did you like the food?" I replied.

He nodded his head, "Thank you for doing this, I usually cook the meals around here, it's nice to have some help with the boys."

I looked at him and smiled, "Don't worry about it. I actually enjoyed it."

Kookie came into the kitchen, "Noona, why aren't you eating with me? I saved a spot for you!"

Before I could respond Jin answered, "She was about to go over there."

I looked at him and he nodded. I mouthed, "thank you" and headed toward the table.

Once I finished eating, I got up and started to pick up the plates and take them to the kitchen. I was about to clean them until Kookie and Taehyung came in and took the plates away from me.

"Noona go and get ready we are taking you somewhere today" Kookie said full of excitement.

"I thought you had your photo shoot today?" I replied with confusion.

"That's where we're taking you." Taehyung said.

My mind tried to wrap aroun the thought. I was in shock, "What???"

Kookie's smile faded, "Yeah Noona, why? You don't want to?"

I looked at him, "No it's not that, I love spending time with you guys." A big smile was on his face when I said that.

"Well go get ready!" Kookie and Taehyung said. I did as I was told and walked away.

Jin was kind enough to lend me his pink sweater.

I went outside to find the boys waiting for me.

"Sorry for taking so long" I said quietly.

"Noona you look so pretty!" Kookie said with excitement. "Thank you!" I smiled and walked to Jin.

"We gotta go guys. Rose are you coming with us?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook put his arm around me and answered, "Of course she is...right?"

I was surprised with his sudden move but I smiled and nodded my head.

"Yay! You're sitting next to me okay?" Jungkook said as we were walking to the van.

"Nuh huh, she's sitting with me." Taehyung said as he was walking with us.

Both of them kept arguing until Namjoon suggested that I sat in the middle of them. Jin started to drive to the photo shoot while Namjoon rode shotgun helping with directions.

"Noona you're very mature, how many siblings do you have?" Kookie asked. "I'm an only child" I replied.

"Well that explains a lot." Taehyung said. 

My eyebrow shot up and I leaned in to see his face. 

"What do you mean? Is that a bad thing?" I asked. 

Taehyung quickly responded, "I didn't mean that, i'm just saying because you're very well-mannered."

We talked a bit more but they all fell asleep. I scooted up and asked Jin if we were close.

"Almost, it's just taking a while since there's traffic" he replied.

My eyes snapped open, "What about the manager?! He's going to freak out if he sees me with you guys."

He looked at me and smiled, "Don't worry about it Rose, everything will be okay" he said.

"Okay..." my voice trailed off. I tend to worry about things, I just hope nothing bad happens.


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