Chapter 25: Youth

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J-Hope's POV

The way she fangirls when we're around is adorable. I've never seen this side of her. She's usually polite and mature, which isn't bad, but it's like the aura around her is reviving itself.

The years of youth she had lost are coming back. Looks like something good has come out of all the suffering she's been through.

Take her home and to some places you have been with her before. That's the only way she can regain her memory.

But I must warn you not to push her, things like this should be handled with care and will take time.

The doctor gave us this last message as Rose was being discharged. I hope that we never have to return, though we were given good news, there's just some things people don't want to experience.

She walked out of her room in normal clothes. Her fingers were laced together as she gave quick glances at us. The siblings were right behind her. We sat up and joined them, "Are you ready to go?" Jimin enthusiastically asked.

Her body shifted back shooting her arms up as if she was surrendering and swung them in disapproval. "You guys don't have to take me home. I'm pretty sure you're busy."

This girl is so considerate, she truly is a gift. Jungkook displayed his signature bunny smile which seemed to ease Rose. "It's actually on the way to your place."

Her eyes shot straight down, with a slight nod.

Rose's POV

I have to admit, the fact that BTS kept visiting me was heartwarming. I mean come on, they're absolutely perfect!

We pulled up to an apartment complex. The tall white building was simple and modern. The boys led the way, that's weird do they know the place?

The walls, the hallways, everything was foreign. We stopped at a door and Kyungjoo opened it. I slowly walked in, this place is quite strange. This is the first time I've been here and yet it feels familiar. The others came in and spread throughout the apartment. "Who lives here?"

Everyone looked around, not knowing what to say. Kyungjoo's lips curled up, "Keep exploring the place, you'll find your answer."

I really hope this isn't a prank. I just got discharged. The last thing I need is to-

My feet were glued to the ground, unable to move. The room was completely destroyed. Clothes were all over the floor. The bed was undone with bloody tissues sprinkled on top. What happened here?

Wait, these are my clothes. What are they doing here? I started to gather them and discard the bloody tissues.

After a quick clean up the room was decent. My eyes went up and my body followed. I walked around looking at the pictures with my arms folded.

I don't like this one bit, it doesn't make any sense. Why would my clothes be here? Does Kyungjoo live here? Then why did the guys visit me? Questions flooded my mind, one after the other. 

I came across a picture of them. We were all huddled up, smiles plastered on our faces. Did I know them? A light bulb came on, the little pieces were put together.

This is my home.

Jin's POV

A creak grasped our attention. Rose came out of the room and went into the kitchen, getting some water. Her eyes were fixed on the floor as if she was contemplating something. She went to Kyungjoo who was patiently waiting. "I live here, don't I?"

You could tell that she was enthusiastic by the look in her eyes, but she restrained herself. She didn't want to startle Rose, so she gave an ecstatic nod.

We all gave notice to the question as well. An optimistic thought came to mind as well as a smile. Maybe her memory will come back soon.

My gaze went to her hand and it occurred to me that one small detail was left out...

Jimin's POV

"How long have I lived here?" Her voice was barely audible. She was scared. I can't imagine someone having to go into their own home and not recognize it.

This tumor had shaped her into an innocent individual with a fragile spirit. If one were to push her, the world she knows would collapse beneath her feet.

Kyungjae came, grabbing the drink she got from the kitchen out of her grasp. "For a couple of weeks. You just finished moving in."

Her lips were shaky, the words that searched for an escape were trying to be kept in. "You said I lived in Korea longer than that. Where was I before?"

I became indecisive, should I be blunt? I have to choose my words delicately. "You were living in a hotel for a while. We would hang out and would sometimes spend the night at our house."

Disbelief was written all over her face, "Stop playing. I think I would remember if I..."

She stopped talking and looked down. Her hands began to fiddle with her outfit. "I'm going to lay down."

She dragged her feet on the floor, her eyes still focused on the carpet. When the door clicked everyone exhaled. This is going to be harder than I thought.

Rose's POV

Darks clouds hovered over my head. The winds caused the leaves to be picked up from the ground and slash through my skin. Something was trying to get out.

I raised my arms up to shield myself from the thin blades. "What's going on?!"

You have to remember!

The wind increased, and the leaves multiplied. "Who said that?!"

Edges of the leaves cut into my skin. Blood seeped through every part of my body. Tears merged with the red liquid.

You have to remember!

"Remember what?!" I was now on my hands and knees begging for this torture to stop.

I clawed my nails into the soil, hoping for an escape. "Help me! Please!"

Kyungjae's POV

I went into a state of alarm, screams could be heard from the other room. There she was, scratching herself as if she was trying to remove something.

Kyungjoo was shaking Rose's body, "Wake up!" 

Rose unintentionally grazed her fingers on her hands and arms, leaving red marks and slight drops of blood seeped through her skin. Her screams intensified, "Stop it! PLEASE!"

Never have I experienced anything like this before. As if something was taking over her body or worse. Something was trying to get out. 

Her body jolted and her eyes sprung open. She panted in and out, beads of sweat dripped down her forehead.

This isn't over.


Hey guys!

This chapter seemed rather dark, but I hope you still enjoyed it.

Let me know what you think!


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