Episode 46

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"The grand lady of the Grand Ole Opry" who had a long recording career in future lives on other planets, fondly remembered her life on Earth.

"I've tried to find grits with gravy in every life and on every planet
I've experienced since then, and nothing compares. Fortunately time travel was discovered, so I could go back for the real thing."

The same thing couldn't be said for the Broadway star who became one of America's most beloved cows in her next life, the 22nd century "Coochie Coochie Cow" as her beloved fans called her. She much preferred being a cow, and kept her opinions to herself, but in later years she became careless, and was often heard saying scathing things about humans.

Some of her comments leaked to the press, and eventually
she was reduced to touring only pro-Bovine locations, to avoid the
threats and protests from her human fans, who felt betrayed.

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