Episode 44

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Zar Akkannis premiered his new composition "Telepathic Tales for
Orchestra" with the Galactic Symphony Orchestra. He apparently didn't take into consideration that all species aren't telepathic, so the audience tended to grow restless during the "telepathic interludes" between the sections that also included traditional instrument playing.

So reviews were mixed on the success of the piece. Yet there
were some breathtaking moments, including a tiptoe section, an obvious homage to Nancy and Sluggo, which included Bells, whistles, zooming piccolo, jaunty xylophone, wah-wah trumpet, while the musicians who weren't playing during that section tiptoed among the audience.

Hopefully future performances will include a telepathic interpreter
for the interludes. If so, it's likely to become a classic among fans
of both orchestral music and tiptoeing.

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