Episode 42

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Sluggo was visiting Rollo the Rich Kid, hoping that they could get
along like they used to, before their different attitudes towards
tiptoeing had caused them to stop being pals. Rollo had just bought the latest virtuality software, called "Subconscious Desire Fulfillment Kit". It came with a pointing device, and whoever the device pointed it, they would automatically become what their subconscious desired.

Rollo started the program, and aimed it at Sluggo. A determined look came over Sluggo's face. It was intense watching him scan the room and tiptoeing his way to the grand ballroom of Rollo's mansion, and then doing a breathtaking combination of tiptoeing and gymnastics. It was incredibly beautiful but also profoundly moving. Rollo once again began to question his own anti-tiptoe stance.

When Sluggo's performance ended, he stood in the middle of the
ballroom with a look of contented delight. He smiled at Rollo, and
walked over to the pointing device of the "Subconscious Desire
Fulfillment Kit", and aimed it at Rollo, who suddenly found himself in a long wooden boat in the North Sea, between Scandinavia and the British Isles. It was what he'd subconsciously been wanting all his life. Rollo got the satisfaction of being on a raid and being a
Viking, Floki, his puppy from childhood was at his side, somehow now full grown and fierce. Rollo and Floki spent hours with the Viking crew, raiding the coast of Scotland, finding loot to take back to Scandinavia.

After he'd loaded the loot in the boat, the other Vikings gathered together for a victory celebration. Rollo excitedly joined the others, but was shocked when the Vikings began tiptoeing in circles, while shouting rude Viking phrases. Admittedly, the tiptoeing was very rough-hewn and manly, as one would expect from Vikings. Rollo was soon taken up in the spirit of it all, and joined in. This was was tiptoeing was supposed to be like! Not the overly-civilized tiptoeing that Nancy and Sluggo did.

After a short while, Rollo was exhausted from the Viking-tiptoeing, and sat down. The next thing he knew, he was back in his mansion with Sluggo, who was looking at him with admiration. Rollo had been tiptoeing in an almost brutal style that filled him with awe. He looked forward to learning this new style of

Both Rollo and Sluggo were surprised at the looks of dismay that came over both Nancy and Irma, when they demonstrated the new style of tiptoeing for them, the next day.

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