Episode 17

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Alice Ant and Joey Roo Kangaroo were planning a trip to Mars, for their weekend getaway.

Alice was packing all the different foods she thoughts they'd need, from corn dogs to Rice Krispie treats to chunks of watermelon. She put them all in space-proof baggies that she'd recently bought on sale at the supermarket. While Joey stood on tiptoe, trying his best to get the flying saucer into place, on the launch pad on their roof, Peter Pig came by, asking if he could go along.

At first Alice was irritated, because she'd carefully planned their meals, but Peter was such a nice pig, and would be a fun traveling companion, and she soon smiled at the thought of them together in the flying saucer. Joey, on the other hand, was less than pleased, because he knew full well how lack of gravity affected Peter.

Memories of what had happened when they'd gone to the Moon together, last year, filled him with uneasiness, but he vowed to put up with whatever happened, for Alice's sake.

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