Episode 5

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The slugs from different countries were gathering for an international
festival to be called (of course) "SlugFest". There would be slug
music, slug poetry, slug art, and slug sports. The Slug Ecstasy
Corporation (SEC), based in Iowa, and the Big Ten Slugs Cruise Lines
were sponsoring the festival, and each was supporting their own team
in the slug races.

That's why this SEC-Big Ten matchup likely will be a slugfest of
sports. Sluggo McElwain is wary of Iowa trying to grind it out on the
ground (wasting much slug slime unnecessarily) with clock-eating
monsters from outer space eating the time when the Cruise Lines slugs
were ahead, giving the SEC slugs time to catch up.

But it was all for slugdom, so no one really cared about the outcome
of the slug races, anyway. Afterwards, all the slugs sang the Slug
International Anthem together, vowing to repeat the Slugfest every

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