Episode 32

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Nancy walked into her living room to find Sluggo asleep on the couch, talking in his sleep. "Anura and good wishes Ervin bitten his amplified powdery mildew and ..." he mumbled over and over. Tho the words didn't make any sense, they had a catchy rhythm, and so Nancy recorded them, and put a wicked drum beat behind them.

Sluggo woke up to find Nancy doing a beautiful tiptoe dance to the
recording. He was quite confused, because the words were his voice, but in the secret code that he used with his invisible friends from childhood, who still stopped by to see him now and then, even tho he had pretty much outgrown them.

Nancy stopped tiptoeing when she saw Sluggo staring at her. "How did you know my secret code?" he asked. Nancy was confused, and didn't know what to say. Sluggo took her silence to mean that she couldn't admit how she knew the code, so he started speaking to her in it. "Slimy tantalizingly anchor. attorns brother Salvador, his crewel updated ecumenically birch." Nancy didn't know what to do, so she just smiled and nodded.

Sluggo was relieved. He had asked her to pretend she didn't understand the code, if the subject was brought up in the future, and she did just that!

They incorporated Nancy's recording into their next tiptoe
routine, which was quite a hit. Sluggo admired how well Nancy
pretended that she didn't understand what the words meant.

Tales of Tiptoe and More - Volume IIIWhere stories live. Discover now