Episode 21

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It's the first day of rehearsals for David Bowie: Nothing has compared to the first night I saw Nancy and Sluggo performing in a tiptoe ballet.

These words would appear in an article in The International Tiptoe Journal. The ballet had been financed by the Mildew Lady and the Mold Lady, both of whom were very rich, having inherited fortunes from centuries of support from companies whose products claimed to get rid of mildew and mold, but of course only worked temporarily, so that people would have to buy more products.

David went on to say that he had gone backstage, and met both the Mildew Lady and the Mold Lady, saying that he admired how mildew and mold had survived thru the centuries. The Mildew Lady was especially touched by his comments. The fact that she nicknamed him Mouldy Mildew in return gives you an idea of her care for those who supported her.

She later claimed that his last album, Blackstar, had originally been entitled Mildewstar, but she'd convinced him to change the title to something more vague, so that the black could also stand for mold, so the Mold Lady wouldn't feel slighted.

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