Episode 13

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Bud the Bull and Kenny did a lot of time traveling. They had been in the same place and time twice before, but each time, one of them hadn't met the other one yet. Now they were about to both recognize each other for the first time at the same time.

Bud had recently taken an interest in condiments, especially different kinds of ketchup thruout the centuries. Bud kept a collection in cans made of a special material that kept his collected ketchup samples from going bad, no matter how long or how far he traveled. He
carried several empty cans, for future samples that he'd collect.

Recently Bud had been arriving in the same location, on several nights in a row, leaving in the morning to go to a different time, but returning on the following night. Bud now arrived one night, only to find something was wrong with his collection of the ketchup, the cans that he'd left on the previous night, that 7-year-old Kenny had apparently dumped out, looking for a prize at the bottom of each can. Bud was quite upset, until Kenny began reciting a beautiful poem, about how wonderful he thought Bud the Bull was.

It was a poem about people tiptoeing through the woods in the soft twilight, while Bud and Kenny watched from nearby, while eating food with different kinds of ketchup. Kenny said that it was the best day of his life, and he hoped that he and Bud would be friends always.

Tho Bud would continue collecting ketchup, he realized that other things were more important.

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