Episode 25

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Debby was best friends with all the bugs in her yard. She was telling her friend Mark, "I just love the tickle of the small bugs tiptoeing across my skin when I caught them, and of course I let them go, so that other bugs can have a turn tiptoeing across my skin. It's a little known fact that human skin is the perfect tiptoe platform for bugs. It's firm, but not too firm, and if the weather is cold, the bugs find that the warmth is nice and cozy to tiptoe on."

Mark did not share with Debby's enthusiasm for the bugs in her yard. He had once overheard them whispering about planning on taking over Debby's house, as an international headquarters for bugs. But he'd wait for the right moment, before breaking the news to Debby.

Debby went on, "Sometimes the bugs and I get carried away, especially if we start in the early morning. By the time it's lunch when we are feeling frazzled or a plate full of muffins is so yummy that everyone is fighting over who gets the next piece, that things can get out of hand. Once when Debby was about to munch on a piece of blueberry muffin, she didn't notice that one of her friend Terry Bug was taking bites out of the same piece, and had almost ended up in Debby's mouth.

Debby and her big friends tried to forget about the near-demise of Terry, but they'd learned to be extra careful whenever they shared muffins after that.

Mark wondered if knowing about this experience might come in handy, in the future.

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