Episode 30

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Nancy was having lunch with Aunt Fritzi, who was planning a fancy meal for the next time that the crew of Star Trek time travelled back to
her time. Nancy was concerned and said, "What I'm wary of is:
Excessively fussy foods and/or pretentious ingredients. I think food
that makes you think about it, rather than tiptoeing is unnecessary.
Also, if it makes you too tired to tiptoe afterwards, it's obviously
not good for you."

Aunt Fritzi became frustrated upon hearing this, and asked Nancy what she would suggest, to feed the crew of the Enterprise.

Nancy thought for a moment, and then said, "First up, Spaghetti
Carbonara Pie. How could you go wrong with that?"

Aunt Fritzi was quite relieved. She personally considered Spaghetti
Carbonara Pie to be rather fussy, and realized that Nancy's idea of
fussy foods and/or pretentious ingredients was something beyond what Aunt Fritzi was even aware of.

It all ended up not really mattering anyway, because when they
received a message from Mr. Spock, announcing their next arrival, he
mentioned how Scotty had a big meal planned, and that Aunt Fritzi,
Nancy and Sluggo were invited, but were asked not to bring anything
with them.

Unfortunately, Irma was passing by the window when the message
arrived, and rushed off to tell Rollo the Rich Kid that they weren't

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