Episode 39

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Thelma liked the challenge of tiptoeing in winter. She looked forward to snow squalls ripping off the lake during that time of year. She wrote in her journal:

Throughout these stormy months, in the wee hours of the morn', I tiptoe downstairs, grab my blanket, slip on my favorite tiptoe boots (which have toes at the front) and go outside. My
tiptoeing leaves beautiful patterns in the snow. It's much better than tiptoeing thru the mud in other seasons.

Thelma was unaware that across the lake, a young man named Gary was writing just the opposite, bemoaning the winter season, when he couldn't practice creating beautiful tiptoe patterns in the mud.

Eventually Thelma and Gary would meet at the supermarket, their
shopping cars colliding, creating a mess of pasta sauce on the floor. Both instinctively started creating tiptoe patterns in the spilled pasta sauce, starting a new year-round tradition that goes on to this very day.

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