10 facts about me

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10 facts about me since I got tagged by aishaalshemery12 (please go Follow and read their book!)

Fact 1.
I was born 2001 October 11 so I am 15 years old.

Fact 2.
My parents divorced when I was 2 years old. And my dad divorced my stepmom after having my brother with her when I was 13.

Fact 3.
My dad disowned me last year.

Fact 4.
I love art so I draw pretty much 24/7.

Fact 5.
Before I joined the Mendes army I was in love with Creepypasta. I kind of still am.

Fact 6.
I have no idea what to write for facts about me.

Fact 7.
I usually get A, B and C for grades. It helps when you have friends that are not part of the Mendes army.

Fact 8.
I still don't know what to write.

Fact 9.
I am a extremely shy person.

Fact 10.
I am done with these facts about me.

Well that was 10 facts about me. I am not to sure who I should tag cause like I said, I am extremely shy. I don't know why that means I can't tag people but oh well. Bye.

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