Denying Her Feelings

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Lauren was on the couch with Y/N, cuddling as they watched a movie together. This was all they've been doing for the past two hours, which Lauren is fine with because she would rather be in Y/N's arms than anywhere else at this point.

Lauren looks up at the girl and smiles "I love you" she whispers softly against Y/N's neck.

Y/N nods "yep" was all she said.

Lauren frowns because for the year and a half they, as Y/N likes to say seeing each other, not once has the girl returned Lauren's 'I love you', which if she's being honest, hurts because she's starting to feel like her feelings aren't being returned and that sucks.

The sound of Y/N's phone buzzing brought Lauren out of her thoughts "who's that" she asked curiously. Y/N sighs "Camila. She's just reminded about our date tonight night" she said dully. Lauren looks at her with hurt eyes "what do you mean date" she asked.

"I mean I asked her out on Tuesday and now we're going on a date" Y/N answered like it was the most obvious thing.

Lauren was hurt, "Y/N I thought we were 'seeing each other'? I thought you liked me" she asked.

"Lo you're cool and all but you know I don't just settle for one girl" Y/N said with a chuckle.

Lauren felt so stupid at this point for even liking Y/N. With a shake of her head Lauren stood up from the couch and headed for the door "Lauren you're not leaving, are you" Y/N asked. The Cuban nods "yeah I uh I have something I need to take care of" she says before quickly leaving. Lauren wanted to get out of their because she couldn't be around Y/N right now, she was too hurt. She needed to do some thinking.


The next day Lauren walks into school she rolls her eyes when she sees Y/N and Camila flirting by Y/N's locker. She couldn't help but feel jealous because Y/N never talked to her at school. In fact Y/N made it her mission to interact with Lauren as little as possible when they were at school, which hurt, a lot. Shaking her head she continued to her locker. Let's hope today goes by fast.

For her last four classes Lauren was fuming with anger as she watched Y/N flirt with Camila, but this also saddens her back she's starting to think that Y/N like Camila more than her and it sucks because it took Lauren six months to even get Y/N to talk to her, let alone see her. And here comes Camila and Y/N's all over her in less than a week. What does she have that Lauren doesn't.

The bell rings and Lauren packs her things quickly and ran out of class because she was done seeing them flirt with each other. Maybe Lauren should just move on.

"Lo wait up!"

Lauren sighs "what Y/L" she asked dully. Y/N smiles at her "I just wanted you to be the first to know that I asked Camila to be my girlfriend! Isn't that exciting" she squeals.

Lauren didn't bother trying to hide her hurt "you did what" she asked. Y/N's face fell a little "I asked her to be my girlfriend. I thought you'd be happy for me." Tears fell from Lauren's eyes as she glares at the girl "why would I be happy about that? I thought we were seeing each other" she asked.

Y/N sighs "Lo, look you're great and all but I don't like you like that. I'm sorry."

Lauren shakes her head in disappointment as she walks away from the girl who just broke her heart. She honestly could not believe that she was stupid enough to actually believe that Y/N would ever feel the same way. So stupid.


It's been two weeks since Lauren last talked to Y/N. She just needed some time to process the fact that she's never going to have a chance with the girl of her dream. Guess she'll just have to settle for being her friend, no matter how much it hurts her.

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