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Lauren was known as the nerd of Miami High. She also had a not so secret crush on the most popular girl at school Y/N Y/L. Lauren just thought Y/N was so pretty and this year she was going to ask her out. Hopefully she says yes. With nervous, sweaty palms Lauren walked over to the girl.

"Y/N" she says softly.

The Y/H/C girl looks at her "what" she asked rudely.

Lauren gulps "uh I was wondering if you-if you'd like to hangout sometime" she asked timidly.

Y/N laughed "oh honey no. I would never be caught dead with a nerd like you" she spits out "now run along before people start thinking we're friends."

To say Lauren's confidence was shattered would be an understatement, it was so broken that there was no way to fix it. With her head hung low she walked away from Y/N. She felt so stupid for embarrassing herself like that. Why did she think that she honestly had a chance with Y/N? That was just stupid.


"Why did you reject Lauren like that" Dinah asked.

"Because she's a nerd. Going out with her would ruin my reputation" Y/N scuffed.

Dinah rolls her eyes but before she could tell her friend how stupid she was being Camila spoke up "if that is true then I dare you to go out with her for a week" she preposed "and if you're right then you can completely humiliate her in front of the whole school" she finished with a smirk.

Dinah was appalled by Camila's dare "that's so fucking-"

"Deal" Y/N says as she cut off the blonde.

Camila smirks as she shook her friends hand. This should be fun.


It's Monday and Y/N is dreading going into school because she knows that she's going to have to ask Lauren out today and she honestly doesn't want to do that, but she was dared and there's no way she's backing out now. Y/N spotted the glasses wearing brunette standing by her locker putting her books away. With a heavy sigh the girl made her way over to Lauren.

"Lauren" she spoke quietly.

Lauren looked up at the taller girl "yes Y/N" she asked quietly.

Y/N closed her eyes as she sighed "look I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go on a date with me" she asked quietly, making sure no one heard her.

Lauren's eyes grew wide "yeah of course" she agreed right away "uh I'll meet you by your locker after school?"

With a fake smile Y/N nods "yep I can't wait" she says with fake enthusiasm.

Lauren cheers happily before walking to class. She was honestly so happy that Y/N was finally giving her a chance.


It was after school and Y/N was praying that Lauren wouldn't show up, unfortunately she had no sort of luck.

"Hey Y/N are you ready" Lauren asked as she pushed up her glasses.

Y/N plastered a fake smile on her face "yep I'm so ready!" Lauren smiles at her as she walked out of the double doors with the girl right behind her.

They arrived at this cute diner with a movie theater Y/N quietly asked the hostess for a table in the way back, she didn't want people to see her out and about with the school's nerd.

"What movie do you think they're going to play today" Lauren asked curiously.

Y/N just shrugs "probably something lame" she mumbles under her breath, making sure Lauren didn't hear her.

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