She's Weird, But I Love Her

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(Part Two)

It's been six months since Y/N broke up with Lauren and she was supposed to be happy but she wasn't. She missed the weird green eyed girl that still held her heart. Y/N was honestly regretting listening to her friends about breaking up with Lauren, she should have stayed with her. She should have stayed.

Lauren, however wasn't doing good. The bullying she experienced before dating Y/N got so much worse after they broke up. Since Y/N called her a freak and a weirdo people have been using that to make fun of her love for the arts. It's like everything got worse after they broke up, and although Lauren wishes they were still together she's still hurt by what Y/N did to her.

As Lauren was walking down the halls she bumped into someone. She slowly looks up and freaks when she sees her ex "I-I'm so s-sorry" she stutters. Before Y/N could say anything Lauren ran away, she was trying to avoid the possibility of being completely embarrassed again. She's just trying to get through the rest of the day without anyone picking on her. Let's hope everything goes well.

"So she just ran away from you" Dinah asked.

Y/N nods sadly "yeah it's like she doesn't want to be around me" she mumbles to herself.

"Maybe because she doesn't. Let's not forget that you did embarrass her in front of the whole school six months ago" Dinah notes.

Y/N groans "I know and I feel completely bad for it. I should have never listened to Alexa" she says. Y/N perks up when she thinks of somethings, before Dinah could question her Y/N runs off towards Lauren.

"Lauren can we talk" she asked softly.

Lauren looks up at her ex girlfriend "talk about what" she asked. Y/N gave her a nervous smile "I wanted to apologize for what I did to you six months ago. You didn't deserve that" she said softly. The green eyed girl hangs her head "Y/N it's going to take a lot more than an apology for me to forgive you" she says. Y/N nods her head "I know and I wanted to start off by being your friend again. Only if you want to." Lauren looks at her "won't you be embarrassed by hanging out with a weirdo like me" she asked. Y/N shakes her head "nope. I've learned not to care about what people think anyone. Dinah taught me that" she chuckles lightly. The Cuban looks at her ex girlfriend "um I guess we can hangout. We can do lunch tomorrow if that's ok with you" Lauren spoke shyly. Y/N nods "yeah of course" she says happily. Lauren gave her a tiny smile before walking away. Let's hope this isn't a mistake.


The next day Lauren walked over to were Y/N was eating lunch "hey Y/N" she greets softly.

Before she could answer Y/N was cut off by Alexa "what are you doing here freak? Can't you tell that Y/N doesn't want you around" she bites.

Lauren looks at Y/N and was pleading her to say something, but her ex just reminds silent. Lauren shook her head "so much for not caring what people think, Y/N. Goodbye" she said, her heart breaking as she walks away.

Y/N frowns as she stood up "Lauren wait" she yells as she ran after the girl.

Lauren stops in her tracks "what Y/N? What do you want" she asked angrily.

Y/N was shocked by Lauren's anger towards her "hey I just wanted to apologize-"

"Apologize for what? For the fact that you didn't tell your friends that I'd be eating lunch with you or for the fact that you didn't stick up for me when Alexa attacked me" Lauren cuts her off.

Y/N bows her head "Lauren I'm sorry" she said. The Latina shakes her head "save it. I'm done Y/N. I can't believe I actually thought you changed. You'll never change, you'll always be a cowered" Lauren said before walking away.

Seeing Lauren walk away Y/N felt terrible. Why didn't she stand up for her? She should have stood up for her. Why did she have to be so weak and care about what people think? She needs to fix this.


The next day Y/N walks in and quickly ran over to Lauren "hey can we talk" she asked.

Lauren rolled her eyes "there's nothing to talk about. You made your choice" she mumbles.

Y/N sighed "Lauren please I've-I've come to apologize" she said.

Lauren shakes her head "an apology isn't going to fix this" she says "Y/N if you were really sorry you wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with me but you are" she said "you said that you didn't care what people think but you do and that's what I don't understand" she sighed "Y/N please just leave me alone. I'm done being hurt by you" she finished. Lauren closed her locker and began walking away but was stopped.

"Lauren please don't go" Y/N begs "I love you and breaking up with you was the biggest mistake I've ever made and I can't apologize enough for that" she paused, "Lauren you're right I am a cowered. I should have stood up for you but I didn't. I didn't and I regret that so much. I'm so sorry Lauren and if you-if you forgive me I promise I won't ever hurt you again. I promise" she said.

Lauren looks at her for a second before focusing her gaze on the ground "Y/N I love you too but what happens when Alexa or someone else says something about you hanging out with the weirdo are you going to break up with me again, because if you are then-then we should just stop this because I can't handle anymore heartbreak" she cries.

Y/N immediately pulls Lauren into her "I promise I won't hurt you. I love you way too much to do that again" she whispered to the Latina. Lauren nods her head "I'll give you one more chance. Please don't make me regret this" she whispers. Y/N smiles and kissed her deeply "I promise" she said "you maybe weird but I love you" she says. Lauren giggles as she hugs her tightly "I love you too" she said as she kissed her cheek. Y/N smiles to herself because she's so happy to have Lauren back. She's weird but Y/N loves her no matter what.

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