Jealous Sister

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Y/N was moping on the couch because today she was supposed to hangout with Lauren but unfortunately Lauren ditched her to hangout with some blonde girl and that angered Y/N. She didn't understand why Lauren would ditch her to hangout with some girl that no one knows, it didn't make sense to her.

The sound of the door opening had Y/N turning her head and frowning when she saw Lauren and that girl walk in. It annoyed her that the blonde was even here, she had no right to be here. The only reason Y/N could come up with as to why the girl was here was because she knew that her sister was famous and she wanted her fifteen minutes of fame by dating her big sister. That's the only thing that makes sense.

Lauren looks over at her little sister and smiles "hey Y/NN!" She greets happily. Y/N rolls her eyes before storming off to her room. Lauren frowns as she followed right behind her "babe are you ok?" She asked softly as she walks into Y/N's room.

Y/N glares at her "go away Lauren. I don't want to talk to you." She spat coldly. Lauren frowns "why not? Did I do something to upset you?" She asked sadly. Y/N threw a pillow at her "go away Lauren!" She screams. Lauren jumped at her voice but nods "ok but you can talk to me when you calm down." She spoke quietly before leaving Y/N's room. Running a hand through her hair Lauren shakes her head, she didn't understand why Y/N was pushing her away. She'll just have to talk to her when she was calm.


Three days have passed and Y/N hasn't said a word to Lauren and it was starting to hurt her feelings, she honestly didn't know what she did to make Y/N stop talking to her.

"Baby are you ok?" Dinah asked.

Lauren shakes her head "no, Y/N's not talking to me and I have no idea why." She frowns "I just wish she'd talk to me." Dinah wraps her arms around Lauren's waist from behind as she held her close "maybe if you took her out maybe that will cheer her up." She suggested. Lauren smiles at her girlfriend and pecked her lips "that's a great idea." She says "I'm going to go take her out right now!" Dinah kissed her lips once more before letting Lauren go.

Y/N was in her room just scrolling through Twitter when she came across link to an article. Being the curious thirteen year old that she is she clicked on the article and she really wished that she didn't.

'Lauren Jauregui dating a stripper!'

Y/N scrunched up her eyebrows as she continued to read the article about the girl her sister has been hanging out with and what she found out wasn't something that she liked. Apparently the girl, Dinah Jane Hansen, is a well known 'dancer' in Tampa and she's also known for dating well known celebrities. That was something that Y/N didn't like she knew that girl was nothing but trouble and now she has to protect her sister from getting her heart broken again.


Y/N jumped and her eyes snapped towards the door "Lauren what are you doing here?" She asked as she closed her laptop. Lauren smiles "I wanted to take you out to lunch." She answered. Y/N looks up at her sister "uh ok." She agrees. Lauren's eyes lit up as she basically dragged Y/N out of her bedroom and out or the house.

Lunch was quiet as they both silently ate their food.

"So how's school?" Lauren asked.

Y/N shrugs "fine I guess," she sighs as she looks up at her sister "Lauren why are you dating a stripper?"

Lauren almost spit out her food when she heard that "what?!" She asked.

"That blonde girl you've been hanging out with. The one you ditched me for the other day." Y/N deadpans.

Lauren furrowed her eyebrows "you mean Dinah?" Y/N nods "babe she's not a stripper," she laughs "although she did play one in a play one time." She said.

Y/N looks at her with confusion in her eyes "but an article on Twitter said she was." She mumbles "they said that she only dates well known celebrities." She said.

Lauren sighed "Y/N you can't believe everything that's written on the internet," she voice came out quiet as she spoke "how's about we have dinner at my place this weekend and you get to meet her for yourself." She suggests.

Y/N shrugged "uh ok I guess." She mutters in agreement. Let's hope this goes well.


The weekend came faster than Y/N would have liked and she found herself sitting on Lauren's couch waiting for Lauren's girlfriend to come over. Y/N for some reason was extremely nervous to meet this girl and although Lauren told her not to believe things on the internet she just can't stop thinking about the article she read. What if it's true? She would hate it if Lauren got hurt.

There was a knock on the door and Y/N sighed as she got up to go answer the door. Opening the door Y/N immediately wanted to slam it when she saw the familiar blonde but she didn't because she was trying to be nick for Lauren.

"Hey you're Y/N, right?" Dinah asked.

Y/N nods but didn't say anything as she let Dinah in. With her eyes squinted Y/N took in Dinah's appearance; she was wearing jean shorts, clave high boots and a tan long sleeve shirt. If Y/N didn't dislike her she would have complimented her outfit but since she's not Dinah's biggest fan she kept her mouth shut.

Walking back into the living room Y/N sat as far away from Dinah as possible, she really didn't want anything to do with the girl the only reason she's doing this dinner is because of Lauren, other than that she couldn't care less about the blonde.

"You don't like me very much, do you?" Dinah asked.

Y/N shakes her head "nope not at all." She states coldly. Dinah sighs "Y/N I really don't want any bad blood between us-"

"Then leave my sister." Y/N cuts her off.

Dinah was shock "what?" She asked quietly. Y/N glares at her "leave my sister alone," she hissed "I know all about you and how you only date famous people and I don't want you dating my sister when I know that you're just going to break her heart! So just do us all a favor and leave Lauren alone!" She spat.

Dinah's jaw dropped "I don't date famous people, Lauren's the first one I've ever dated." She defends "Y/N I'm not going to hurt your sister, I love her." She declared "if you give me a chance I'll show you how much your sister really means to me." She said.

Y/N blankly looks at her "no I want you to leave! You being here is coming between me and my sister!" She yells "she was supposed to hangout with me when she came home but instead she chose you," her voice cracks as she glared at Dinah "when you leave and go back to the slump you came from Lauren can go back to being my sister and actually loving me!" She said.

"Is that really how you feel?"

Y/N looks up at her older sister "of course it is. You ditched me which means that you don't love me anymore, just like dad." She mumbles sadly.

Lauren walks up to her and pulled Y/N into her arms "sweetheart I'm so sorry I forgot about hanging out with. I never meant to hurt you, I just got so caught up with everything that I forgot, I never wanted to hurt you," she sighed "Y/NN I love you, I'll always love you no matter what. Just because I'm dating Dinah doesn't mean that I'll forget about you or love you any less. Your my little sister and I'll always love you no matter what." She tells her.

Y/N's teary eyes looked into Lauren's "do you mean that?" She asked quietly. Lauren nods "of course I do, Y/NN." She answered. Looking at her Y/N immediately believed Lauren and she hugs her tightly to which Lauren hugs back "I love you," she whispered as she kissed Y/N's forehead "do you think you can apologize to Dinah?" She asked. Y/N nods as she walks over to Dinah. She hung her head low as she fiddled with her fingers "Dinah I'm really sorry for how I treated you. I just thought that you were trying to steal Lauren away from me. I just didn't want to lose her. I'm sorry." She said. Dinah pulls the small girl in for a hug and rubbed her back softly "I forgive you Y/N." She says as she pulls away "but I have to admit I admire you for standing up for your sister. You remind me of me when I was your age." She laughs softly. Y/N giggles as she hugs the blonde again. Maybe Dinah isn't as bad as she thought she was.

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