Her New Love

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Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at her mother because she didn't understand why she was looking at her phone and smiling, it confused her. Being only seven years old she didn't understand how a phone could make someone so happy. It was strange if she was being honest.

"Mommy why are you smiling at your phone?" Y/N asked curiously.

Lauren smiles at her daughter "I can't tell you just yet but you'll understand soon!" She tells her happily.

Y/N nods slowly, still not really understanding why her mom was so happy recently. It's not that she didn't want her mom happy she was just really curious as to why her mom was so happy lately. Hopefully she'll find out soon.


Lauren was deep in thought as she looked at a shirt that she was debating on buying when two arms wrapped around her waist making her jump and turn around quickly.

"Dinah don't do that!" She whines as she hit the blonde's arms.

Dinah chuckles as she held Lauren close to her "I'm sorry I just couldn't miss the opportunity to scare you." She jokes.

Lauren rolls her eyes at her girlfriend but smiled widely as she hugs her "so are you ready for tonight?" She asked.

Dinah shakes her head "no I'm scared." She admits shamefully "what if she doesn't like me?"

Lauren pecks her lips "baby I promise you Y/N will love you, she loves everyone. You have nothing to worry about." She tells her.

Dinah sighs as she held Lauren close to her. She really hopes that everything goes well tonight. She really loves Lauren and she doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize their relationship. She doesn't want to ruin anything between them. Let's hope everything goes well.


Y/N didn't understand why she was getting dressed up for dinner. Yes her mom said that she was having a friend over but she never had to dress up for them before so this confused her.

The sound of the doorbell ringing has Lauren rushing to the door and answering it. Lauren couldn't help but giggle at her girlfriend who was hiding behind a single red rose "Dinah you're ridiculous!" She laughs as she pulls the girl inside.

Dinah laughs as she hands Lauren the rose "that may be true but I did make you laugh." She teased. Lauren rolls her eyes but smiles nonetheless because Dinah was right she did make her smile.

After getting dressed Y/N headed towards the living room where she saw a blonde woman sitting on the couch. With furrowed eyebrows she ran over to her mom.

"Mommy who's the lady on the couch?" She asked curiously.

Lauren smiles down at her daughter as she picks her up "I will explain that to you once dinner is ready." She tells her. Y/N pouts but nods understandingly.


Y/N sat at the table looking between Dinah and her mom. She still didn't quiet understand why Dinah was here or who she was but her mom did plan on explaining.

Lauren was extremely nervous to introduce Dinah to Y/N because for the past seven years it's been just the two of them so she didn't really know how her daughter will react to Dinah being her girlfriend. With a sigh she turns to Y/N "baby remember how earlier you asked me who she was?" Y/N nods "well I'm going to tell you." With a deep breath Lauren holds on to Y/N's small hands "sweetie this is Dinah, she's my girlfriend." She spoke softly.

Y/N couldn't stop herself from being sad because her friend once told her that her mom-who was single at the time-started dating that her mom forgot about her and now that her mom is dating she's going to forget about her.

With teary eyes Y/N looks up at her mom "mommy she can't be your girlfriend! Because if she is you'll forget all about me!" She cries as she held on to her mom tightly.

Lauren frowns when she heard that and hugs her daughter "oh mija I promise I'll never forget about you." She assures "I love you and nothing will change that." She promised her. Y/N nods as she hugs her mom tighter. She just didn't want to lose her.

Pulling away from her mom Y/N walks over to Dinah and looked up at the blonde "you're not going to try and steal my mommy away from me, are you?" She asked. Dinah chuckles softly "of course not munchkin." She assured "even if I wanted to I'm pretty sure I'd lose to you because you're absolutely adorable!" She says as she taps the small girl's nose. Y/N giggles as she looks up at Dinah, maybe this won't be too bad.

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