Please Don't Leave Me

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It was Saturday night and Y/N was once again sitting on the couch waiting for her girlfriend. This was the fifth time this week that she was up until midnight waiting for Lauren. Yes she gets that Lauren is famous and music is her passion, but she would like it if Lauren would spend more time with her.

"Baby I am so sorry I'm late! I just got so into the music that lost track of time." Lauren said as she walked through the door.

Y/N just rolled her eyes and proceeded upstairs, ignoring Lauren's calls for her. Closing and locking the door Y/N fell back on the bed and just thought about everything.

Lauren sighed as she pulled out her phone and called Dinah "hey D." She said. "Hey Laur! What's up?" Dinah asked.

Lauren sighs "I'm messing things up with Y/N and I really think I'm ready to do it." She said.

"Really? Are you sure?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah. I have the ring and everything. I just need you and the girls to set up the spot." Lauren said.

"You can count on us Lo!" Dinah says.

Lauren smiles "thanks you DJ."


Lauren was extremely nervous about tonight because she just wanted everything to go smoothly. Tonight was important to her and she didn't want to ruin it.

Today Lauren has asked her to dinner and honestly Y/N wasn't really into it, but she decided to go to just get it over with. That honestly all it was.

The case ride to the restaurant was quite. Y/N had nothing to say to Lauren because she was still very made at her. She honestly doesn't know if she'll ever for give the girl. At least not now.

As they sat at dinner Lauren tried engaging in conversation but Y/N just ignored her and ate her food silently. With a small sigh Lauren looked at her "baby would you like to get out of here?" Y/N said nothing as she stood up and left. Paying for their meal Lauren quickly followed behind her girlfriend and got in the car and drove off. Let's hope the other surprise goes better.

Arriving home Y/N scuffed at the Rose petals that littered the floor "someone better clean this up." She spits.

Lauren didn't understand why Y/N was so mad. Hopefully this cheers her up. Getting on one knee Lauren opened up the small box and smiled up at her girlfriend "Y/N I love you so much. For the pass two years you have made me the happiest person ever! So will you make me even happier by marrying me?" She asked.

Y/N had a blank look on her face as she looked at Lauren. With a sigh she shook her head "I won't marry you unless you do something for me." She said.

"What is it baby?" Lauren asked.

"Quiet your music, get a regular job and move to New York with me." Y/N said.

Lauren's face fell "but music's my dream. You can't asked me to give up my dream." She argued weakly.

Y/N just shrugs "then I guess you don't really want to marry me if you don't do this."

"But my fans they'll be so disappointed. My album is coming out soon I can't just drop it! I worked so hard for it." She said.

Y/N shrugs "then I guess you really don't love me because if you did you would be choosing me over the music but you're not."

Lauren sighed as she looked at the ring. Y/N was right if she loved her she would choose her. Looking up at her girlfriend Lauren smiled a little "looks like we're moving to New York."


One Year Later.
It's been a year since Lauren left the music industry and married her girlfriend Y/N and even though she was happy with Y/N she really did miss making music. She loved making music but she loved Y/N more. So if she had to leave the music behind to marry the love of her life she would. Even if it made her said.

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