Lost Love

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"Lauren you don't understand!" Y/N yells out.

"What don't I understand?" I asked harshly.

"This is my dream! I have to go to New York, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can't lose this." She tells me.

I frowned "but what about me?" I asked.

Y/N "I'll keep in touch. Promise."

She never kept in touch.

Once she moved to New York she forgot about me and acted like our three year relationship didn't matter to her. It hurt because I loved her so much but she didn't feel the same way about me.

After she left I tried so hard to move on but I couldn't. I couldn't because I'm still in love with her, even though she broke my heart.

Unfortunately after the realization that she moved on hit I did things that I'm not proud of which led me to getting pregnant for a one night stand. Don't get me wrong my daughter means the world to me I just wish I had one wish Y/N, that's all.

With a small sigh I held Brianna's hand as we walked up the pathway to the park that she loves to much. This park will always remind me of Y/N and I because this is where we met, where we had our first kiss, our first date and this was where we first told each other 'I love you'. I try not to come her too often because of the memories I get and it just makes me sad to know that she's probably happy with someone else that isn't me and that really hurts to think about. Sometimes I wish I would've been selfish and told her to stay with me, that I needed her but I didn't because I wanted her to live her dream and now look at where we are. I'm a single mom with a three year old that's still pining over her first love even though she's probably moved on. Maybe I should as well.


Three Weeks Later
"Mommy come push me pwease!" Brianna asked.

I laughed softly as I ran over to to push my daughter on the swings. Brianna laughs loudly as she kicked her little legs as she tried to go higher.

"Mama I get down now." She says.

I laughed as I stopped the swing so that she could get down. I don't know what got into her but she ran off towards someone. I panicked "Brianna Lynn get back here right now!" I yelled as I ran after her.

She looks up at me "but she has a puppy. I wanna be friends with." She tells me.

I picked her up "you can't just run off like that Bri, something could've happened to you." I told her. She frowns "I'm sowwy. I just wanna play with the puppy." She mumbles. I sighed as I turned to the person and my jaw dropped when I saw them "Y/N?"

"Hey Lauren." She greets softly.

I wanted to cry because she was right in front of me again after three years but I didn't I held it in "uh when did you get back?" I asked.

"The beginning of January." She says "I wanted to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes "you had three years to talk to me but you shut me out of your life. So excuse me if I'm not ready to talk." I said coldly. The hurt look on her face didn't go unnoticed by me "Lauren please can we talk?" She begs. I huffed "fine." I agreed.


I was sitting across from Y/N at McDonald's because she agreed to get me and Brianna lunch "so you wanted to talk?" I asked.

Y/N nods "yeah I uh I wanted to apologize how I left things between us. I was thinking and thought it would be better if I let you go instead of holding you down, in case I never came back." She tells me.

I frowned "Y/N we could've work. I could have moved to New York to be with you but you didn't care enough to try! You gave up!" I cried.

"Lauren I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you. I just thought it would spare you the heartbreak but now I see that I was wrong." She said.

I wiped my eyes "Y/N you have no idea how long I've waited for you to come back and tell me that you love me and want to be with me but now that you're here I don't know how to feel." I told her truthfully "I want to take you back but I have a child to think about. I can't just let you back in my life without it interfering with Brianna's, she has to be ok with this." I told her.

Y/N nods "of course. Lauren I just want another chance. I love you and I'll do anything to have you back." She tells me. I nodded "I'll see you around Y/N. Goodbye."

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