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Today Y/N was going to visit her girlfriend Lauren at work because she has a very special surprise for her and this cannot wait until the evening to be given.

Walking inside and up the stairs towards the break room where Lauren would probably be for lunch Y/N held flowers in her hand and a smile on her face.

Spotting Lauren taking to one of her coworker Tori. Y/N made her way over but stopped when she saw when she saw Tori take out a small black velvet box and opened it. Lauren yell an excited oh my god and proceeded to wrap Tori in a tight hug.

Seeing that broke Y/N's heart and dropping the flowers she quickly left the building as fast as she could. Pulling out her phone Y/N called the first person she could think of.

"Hello?" The person on the other line asked.

Y/N sighs "hey I was calling to see if your offer was still available?" She asked.

"I mean yeah, but what about your girlfriend?"

Y/N rolled her eyes "she's not my girlfriend. We broke up." She said coldly.

"Well if that's the case then yeah my offer is still open."

Y/N nodded "great meet me at my place in ten minutes." With that being said she hung up. Looking back Y/N shook her head and made her way to her car.


Smiling at her friend Lauren glanced at the ring "Ally is going to love this. She's going to freak when she sees it!" She squeals.

Tori chuckles "yeah. Hey do you think you and Y/N can help me plan for tonight's dinner. I want it to be special." She says. Lauren nodded "of course!"

Arriving home Lauren ran quickly towards the bedroom to tell her girlfriend the exciting news. Upon opening the door her heart shattered "Y-Y/NN?" Her voice cracked when she spoke.

Y/N rolled her eyes "get whatever you need for the night and leave quickly because I'm kind of busy." She snaps. Lauren just looked at her with tears in her eyes as she watched Y/N kiss a girl that wasn't her. Shaking her head Lauren quickly packed a bag of her things. Before she left she turned to her girlfriend "Tori needs help setting up dinner for Ally and she wanted your help, but I'll just tell her you're busy." Without waiting for a response Lauren quickly left, taking off her promise ring in the process and leaving it on the dresser.

The moment Lauren stepped outside she broke down. She didn't understand why Y/N was cheating on her. Was she not enough? Was she not pretty anymore? Was Y/N bored of their relationship? All these thoughts were going through her head but she couldn't find any answer. Why? Why did this happen to her?


Even though she was heartbroken Lauren still decided to help Tori out. Walking into the restaurant Lauren wore a small grin as she made her way over to her friend "hey Tori." She greeted quietly.

Tori turned to her and frowned "hey Lo are you ok? Where's Y/N?" She asked. Lauren frowns "she's working late. She won't be able to make it." She lied easily. Tori nodded before talking about the dinner.

"Ok so I was thinking that we make Ally's favorite..."

Lauren's mind drifted off to memories of Y/N in bed with that girl. Why would Y/N do something like that? Things weren't making sence to Lauren and all she wanted was answers. She needed answers.

"Do you think this is a good idea Lauren?" Tori asked.

Lauren smiles and nods "I think it's a wonderful idea. Ally's going to love it." She said. Tori smiles "I really hope so."


After the dinner for Ally and Tori, Lauren decided to go back home to talk to Y/N, she just wanted answers. Using her key Lauren let herself in and walked to the bed room "Y/N can we talk?" She asked softly.

Y/N rolls her eyes "what do you want?" She asked coldly. Lauren frowned "I just want to know what I did to make you cheat on me." She said.

Y/N laughs "I'm only doing what you did first. So was dinner with your fiancee good?" She spits. Lauren's frown deepens "Tori and I aren't engaged." She said.

Y/N scoffs "really? Then why did you say oh my god when she showed you what was ever in that black box?"

Lauren signed "for weeks Tori has been talking about asking Ally to marry her. All she needed was a ring. So when she showed me I was so excited because she was finally going to ask Ally to marry and I was so happy for her." She explained.

Y/N nodded "well that's nice. Now if you'll excuse me I have a date I need to get ready for." She said as she looks through her clothes.

Lauren stood there with a frown on her face "so that's it? We're over?" She asked. Y/N nods "yep. Goodbye Lauren." She said coldly. With tears in her eyes Lauren grabs the rest of her things and leaves. There was no point in fighting for something that Y/N no longer wanted. She just has to live with the fact that it's over between then.

Part two?

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