Lies She Tells Herself

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"Lauren I do not love you! Why can't you get that through your fucking head" Y/N yells.

I felt tears in my eyes "maybe because you kissed me" I spat back.

"That kiss meant nothing" she screams.

"But you said you liked it! Why would you lie if you felt nothing!" I was honestly hurt by her words.

Y/N sighs "I didn't want to hurt your feelings. Lo you have to understand that I'm with Camila now. That kiss between us meant nothing to me. I'm sorry" she says.

I rolled my eyes at her "yeah I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I fell for a jerk like you" I cried before leaving her apartment.

That conversation between Y/N and I happened three weeks ago and honestly things haven't been the same. Ever since she started dating Camila she's completely stopped talking to me. Every time I try to talk to her she avoids me and pretends that I'm not even there. It honestly hurts because I'm losing my best friend and I have no idea what to do.

I hung my head low as I walked into the school. Ever since Y/N stopped talking to me I've been the target of some pretty bad bullying.

"Hey Whoregui wait up!"

I sighed when I heard her voice "what do you want Camila" I asked quietly, my eyes focused on the ground.

She snickers "just wanted to say that I haven't seen you hanging around Y/N lately. Why is that?"

I sighed "I don't know" I mumbled back.

"Well I mean it's good that you're not around anymore because now I don't have to worry about your whore self trying to steal my girl" Camila spat harshly.

I rolled my eyes "even if I wanted to, it's not like she likes me anyways" I mumbled more to myself than to her.

I guess Camila did hear because I was harshly shoved to the floor "stay away from my girlfriend you slut" she sneers before walking away with her crew.

I sighed as I stood up and dusted myself off before heading to class. Today is going to be a long day.


It's the end of the day and I'm slowly packing up my things. Today was honestly the worst day ever. In English I'm paired with Y/N on this project that's due in three weeks, which sucks because now Camila and her crew are going to pick on me even more then they already have. It also sucks because I have to work with the person that's been avoiding me for weeks now. None of this is good for me.

I clutched on to my bag as I walked out of the class. With my head hung low I walked towards the door.

"Lauren wait up!"

Great just great.

I huffed as I turned around "what do you want Y/L" I asked coldly.

"I was wondering when you wanted to start on the project" she asked, playing with Camila's fingers.

I rolled my eyes "we can start tomorrow. We'll meet in the library" I said.

The Y/EC eyed girl frowns "why can't we go to your house. You know like we used to" she asked.

"Because we're not friends like we used to be" I growled lowly.

Before she could say anything else I walked away. I can't believe she acted like she did nothing wrong. The nerve of her!


The next day I waited patiently for Y/N to show up. It's been fifteen minutes and I haven't heard from her.

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