Scared Of You

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I was sitting on the couch waiting for my girlfriend Y/N to get home. I perked up when I heard the sound of the front door opening. I smiled as I stoop up "hello Y/N" I greeted happily. She ignores me as she heads upstairs. I frowned as I followed behind her "babe is everything alright" I asked softly. Once again she just ignores me. I sighed "Y/N did I do something to make-"

I was cut of when she harshly shoved me into the wall "if I'm ignoring you it means that I don't want to fucking tall to you! So do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone" she growls.

I flinched at her tone before scurrying out of the room. Y/N never yells at me like that and she never ever laid her hands on me. What has gotten into her?


The next morning I decided to check up on Y/N to see if she was feeling any better.

"Hey baby I was wondering-"

I was once again cut off by her shoving me against the wall.

"Didn't I fucking tell you to leave me alone" she yells.

I looked up at her with teary eyes "I-I-"

"I-I what did you forget how to speak" she screams "God why can't you just leave me the fuck along" she growls.

I whimpered as I looked up at her, a scared look etched on my face "I'm sorry. I'll just leave" I mumbled as I grabbed my things.

"Good and don't fucking come back" she screams.

Tears fell from my eyes as I walked out of her apartment. I really don't understand why she's treating me like this. What did I do?


It's been a month since Y/N kicked me out of her apartment and I haven't heard from her since. I thought that maybe she would reach out to me when she was ready but she hasn't. So today I'm going over to her apartment to see if she wants to talk.

I nervously lifted my fist and knocked softly. In the matter of seconds the door opened.

"What are you doing here" Y/N asked harshly.

I nervously played with my fingers "I was wondering if you were ready to talk to me yet" I asked.

She scuffs "go home Lauren" she says.

I frowned "Y/N did I do something to upset you?"

She glares at me "Lauren go home. Now. I'll call you when I feel like it" she said before slamming the door in my face.


Another month passed and there was still no word from Y/N.

I'm starting to think that we're officially over and it's breaking my heart.

I just wish she would tell me what I did to upset her so much.

I wonder if she still loves me because I still very much love her.


I was walking through the city when I saw Y/N sitting at a table in a out door coffee shop. I took a deep breath as I slowly approached her "hey Y/N" I greeted softly.

She looks up at me and rolls her eyes "what do you want" she asked coldly.

I frowned at her tone "I was wondering if you were ready to talk" I asked softly.

"Nope. Now go away" she spat.

I couldn't take it anymore "why are you acting like this towards me? Why are you pushing-"

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE" she screams as she pushed me to the ground "how many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone? God I'm so fucking sick of you bugging me all the time just fuck off already" she seethes.

I have never been so scared of Y/N as I am right now "I'm so sorry. I'll just leave you alone. You won't be hearing from me anymore" I whimpered as I ran away from her.

I think she just confirmed all of the questions I had.


Three months have passed and I've done a pretty good job of avoiding her, it's not like she even cares. She didn't want me around anyways.

Today I'm going to the grocery store to get me something to eat. As I was walking through the store I accidentally bumped into someone "oh gosh I-I'm so sorry" I apologized.

"It's fine."

I froze at her voice. I looked up at Y/N and couldn't help but shake "I-I'm really sorry. I'll just be leaving now" I whimpered as I scurried away from her.

After our last encounter I've honestly grown scared of Y/N. It honestly terrifies me to think about what she was going to do to me after I bumped into her.

"Lauren wait up!"

I was once again shaking and walked faster. I really didn't want any trouble "leave me alone Y/N, please. I didn't mean to run into you. I'm sorry" I said to her.

She reached out to touch me but I flinched and ran away. Out of all the days to run into her why did I have to run into her today?

I shook my head and made my way to the check out I wanted to get out of this store as fast as I can. After paying for my things I checked out. I can finally go home and forget about ever running into Y/N. I don't like the feeling of being scared.


Ever since I ran into Y/N at the store two weeks ago I've been very careful of where I go. I'm just so scared of what she'll do to me. I mean last time we interacted I was left with a bruised elbow. I can't imagine what I'll be left with after I accidentally bumped into.

As I was in the kitchen cooking there was a knock on my door. I stopped what I was doing to go answer it. Upon opening the door my eyes popped out of their sockets "Y/N please go away. I bumped into you two weeks ago. Please leave me alone, I'm sorry" I whimpered softly as I cowered away from her.

A look of hurt etched its way on Y/N's face before being replaced with an angry one "you know I was coming her to apologize but since you're being a fucking bitch I take it back" she yells as she shoves me. I whimpered in pain when my back collided with the side of the couch.

A small tear ran down my cheek as I looked at her "why are you being so mean to me? What did I ever-"

The sound of a loud smack echoed through my apartment. The tears fell faster when I noticed that her hand was raised. I couldn't get my body to stop shaking I was honestly so scared of her at the moment "Y/N please leave" I whispered softly as I lowered my eyes to the ground. I was too scared to look her in the eyes.

I sank to the ground when her glare hardened "Y-Y/N p-please" I whimper as I cowered in fear "I-I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you. I-I didn't mean to. I'm sorry" I cried out.

She scuffs "honestly what did I ever see in you. You're honestly nothing but a pathetic wimp" she spits.

I lowered my head "a wimp who loves you" I mumbled.

"What the fuck did you just say" she screamed at me.

I looked up at her with tears running down my face "I said that I still love you" I spoke loudly "and honestly at this point I have no idea why." I huffed "you're not the Y/N I fell in love with. You've changed. You've changed into someone I don't even recognize anymore. Y/N I love you but I-I don't think we should continue this. I'm too scared to be with you" I told her.

Y/N looks at me and then looked at the scene in front of her before lowering her head "fuck Lauren. I-I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what's gotten into me. I'm so sorry" she cried as she fell to the floor.

I crawled over to her and wrapped my arms around her and just let her cry on my shoulder. I was still scared but I don't think she's going to hurt me right now. She just needs some comfort and I'll gladly be here for her. I'm going to fix this, fix us. That's my goal right now. I'm no giving up. Not that easily.

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