Chosen Wrong

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Y/N looks at the two girls in front of her and she was torn between the two because she did love them both.

She had Lauren who's been her best friend since she moved to California for college for years and knows everything there is to know about her. The girl that made her heart beat fast and her head spin. The girl that made her smile without even trying. She loves the girl.

Then there was Camila. She was new, different. She didn't know Y/N the way Lauren did but that was fine. She likes Camila, she thinks the girl is amazing and she feels this connection with her when ever she's around. She really, really likes Camila.

With a sigh Y/N knew who she wanted and who would treat her the best. She hated hurting either one of them but she knew that a choice needed to be made. She knew who she wanted and she knew what she had to do. She hated it but it needed to be done.

It's been seven months since Y/N and Camila got together and she was happy, at least she thought she was. After making her choice she stopped talking to Lauren, it was too hard for her to be friends with the girl that she hurt so she cut the girl off.

Lauren however wasn't doing well, she truly believed that she was the one for Y/N but she was wrong, the girl choose someone else and unfortunately she has to accept that.

With a sad sigh Lauren walks into the studio to pour her soul into her music because that's the only way she's been able to cope with the pain she's been feeling. It was the only way she could get her feelings for Y/N out there. She needed something and for her that was her music.

"I knew you'd be here?"

Hearing the voice had Lauren looking up with a small smile "hey Dinah! How are you?" She asked as she hugs the blonde girl. Dinah chuckles "I'm fine. How are you?" She asked softly as she pulls away. Lauren frowns "I've been better." She admits solemnly. Dinah sighs as she hugs the green eyed girl "hey why don't you come to lunch with me and the girls tonight, get your mind off things." She suggested. Lauren thought for a moment because getting out of here would do her some good. "Ok."


Lauren fixed her jacket before walking into Dave & Busters, running her fingers through her hair as she walks over to the table her friends were at. As she got closer her heart stops when she saw the girl who cut her off seven months ago. Y/N.

"Uh hey guys."

Hearing the voice had Y/N looking up and locking eyes with the girl she hasn't seen since she broke off their friendship "Lauren?" She whispered softly. The green eyed Latina looks at her and offered her a small smile but didn't say anything, which saddens Y/N but she understands why.

As dinner went on Lauren couldn't help but frown at how touchy-feely Y/N and Camila were but she wasn't going to say anything because she didn't have the right to, she wasn't Y/N's choice unfortunately and that still hurts her.

Seeing the sad look on her friend's face Dinah pulls Lauren closer and hugs her tightly, letting the girl snuggle into her "Lo don't be sad you'll find someone. I promise." She whispers softly. Lauren just nods as she rested her head on Dinah's shoulder. She really hopes Dinah is right.

For some reason seeing Lauren so close to Dinah made Y/N jealous but she shouldn't be jealous because she has Camila. She with Camila the girl she loves so she doesn't understand why she's jealous of how close Dinah and Lauren are, it doesn't make sense. So without saying anything Y/N decides that it's time to leave for whatever reason it was she just couldn't be around Lauren and Dinah anymore. Something in the pit of her stomach was making her feel something she didn't understand. Lacing her fingers with Camila's she left the restaurant.

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