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TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault.

Lauren was asleep in her and Y/N's shared bed when she felt lips on her neck. She giggles because she thinks it's her girlfriend but when she opens her eyes she extremely shocked to her ex boyfriend Brad standing over her "B-Brad h-how did y-you get into m-my house" she stutters as she tried to move away from him, but unfortunately he was fast and grabbed her by the arm and tying her to the bed "I'm here for my revenge" he says with a disgusting smirk on his face. Lauren's eyes grew wide when he started removing her clothes "Brad pleas-" she was cut off mid sentence when Brad punched her in the mouth "you're going to shut up and let me do whatever I want with you" he growled as he removed his pants. Lauren was shaking her head and begging him not to but Brad didn't listen "OW" she cried out when he pushed himself into her and thrusted hard. Tears were falling from her eyes as Brad continued his abuse on her body. She couldn't believe that this was happening to her.

Y/N was super stoked to get home because she found the perfect anniversary gift for Lauren and she couldn't wait for her to see it. Walking into their shared apartment Y/N heard some weird noises coming from the bedroom. She furrowed her brows as she made her way to the bedroom. When Y/N opened the door her heart shattered into a million pieces.

There in their bed was Lauren having sex with her ex boyfriend Brad. Y/N has never felt so betrayed in her life, she couldn't believe that Lauren was cheating on her with Brad.

"L-Lauren" she crocked out.

Upon hearing her girlfriend's voice Lauren snapped her head up "b-baby it's not-"

"Fucking save it Lauren" Y/N said angrily "God I can't believe I wasted five hundred dollars on an anniversary gift for" she mumbles as she tossed the red velvet box at Lauren "hope you and Brad are happy together" she says coldly as she left the room.

Brad smirks to himself as he untied Lauren "my work here is done" he whispered before leaving out of the living room. Lauren had tears running down her face as she moved as fast as she could on her sore legs "Y/N please let me explain-"

"There's nothing for you to explain Lauren! I fucking saw you having sex with Brad in our bed" she yells furiously.

Lauren flinched at her tone "baby it wasn't like that-"

"Then what was it like? Because you seemed to enjoy it" Y/N spat.

Lauren shook her head "no I wasn't! He-"

"You know what I don't care! We're through" she yells "I'll come back for my things in the morning. Have a good fucking life Lauren Jauregui" she finished coldly.

Lauren was sobbing at this point "Y/N please don't leave me! I love you" she cried as she gripped on to Y/N's shirt.

Y/N glared at the shorted girl a roughly pushed her off "if you loved me you would have never cheated on me you fucking slut!" Lauren's heart broke when Y/N called her that "I-I-you don't mean that...do you" she asked timidly.

"Of course I do! I fucking loved you Lauren and this is what you do? Honestly fuck you! I hope Brad was fucking worth it" Y/N screams before leaving the apartment. Lauren sat on the floor crying her fragile little heart out. She couldn't believe she just lost the love of her life and all because Brad decided to take advantage of her. This is messed up.


An hour passed before Lauren heard someone pounding on her door. With sour legs and shaky knees she stood up and proceeded to answer the door.

"What the fuck did you do to my best friend you bitch" Dinah growled as she shoved Lauren back.

Lauren broke down crying "she caught Brad and I-"

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