Forgotten Birthday

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Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday and I'm really excited because I'm going to be spending all day with my best friend Y/N, who, hopefully will agree to be my girlfriend. You see, I've been in love with Y/N since freshman year. She's honestly one of the most amazing girls that I've ever met. I just really hope she says yes tomorrow.

"Hey Y/NN" I greeted as I walked up to my best friend.

She mumbled something under her breath as she continued to text on her phone "Y/N hello can you here me" I asked. Nothing. I frowned she knows I hate being ignored "Y/N" I yelled. Again nothing. I rolled my eyes as I snatched her phone away from her "hey give it back" she yells as she tried to grab it for me but I moved it away "no I finally have you attention and I wanted to tell you about tomorrow-"

"Lauren I don't care about tomorrow! Give me my phone" she roars.

Tears formed in my eyes and I shoved her phone in her hand. I shook my head at her and ran off to my class. I can't believe she said that.


Classes dragged on until it was finally time for lunch. I slowly packed up my belongings before leaving the classroom. I spotted Y/N by my locker and rolled my eyes, I was still hurt about tomorrow "Y/N do you want" I asked.

"I just wanted to hang out" she says with a smile.

I gave in and agreed "ok" I said "so you don't have plans for tomorrow do you" I asked. Y/N looks at me with a wide smile "actually yes I do! I finally scored a date with Camila! Isn't that exciting" she squeals.

My heart shattered "but I thought we were spending the day together tomorrow" I asked.

Y/N just looks at me "we can do that anytime. Tomorrow's just another day, nothing special right?"

Yep my heart's definitely broken "you know what? I actually can't hangout with you. I have somethings to do" I mumbled before running off. I can't believe she forgot my birthday.


Today's my birthday and honestly I'm not feeling it. I have no one to celebrate with since my parents decided to go on vacation and...well they never came back. So today I'm alone and all by myself since Y/N has her stupid date with Camila Cabello today.

I still can't believe she blew my off for a stupid date. I thought I was her best friend. Guess not. I curled up in my bed as I set up Netflix and watched American Horror Story, since it's the only thing that I'm in the mood for.

Hours passed and I was still in bed watching AHS. With a sigh I picked up my phone. Nothing. Not a text or a call. Just nothing. She completely forgot about my birthday.

I threw the covers over my head and just balled my eyes out. I can't believe she really forgot. She never forgets. Why did she forget?

I wiped my eyes and climbed out of bed and went downstairs to go set up my own party, since no one else will. No one else cares about me, so I guess I really am on my own.

While making my own birthday cake I cried because I really was all alone now. My parents left me. My best friend ditched me to go on a date and my siblings don't care about my birthday. I have no one but me. I guess I'm better than no one, right? I don't know but what I do know is this is lonely. Really lonely.


It's half past seven and I'm sitting on the couch eating cake while I watched some stupid romantic comedy movie. This movie did nothing to cheer me up.

I jumped when I heard the front door opening. I looked and rolled my eyes "what are you doing here" I asked harshly.

"I need your help picking out an outfit for my date in an hour" Y/N says as she sat down next to me.

I rolled my eyes at her "find someone else to help you. I'm busy" I muttered.

She furrowed her eyebrows at me "Lauren what's your problem? Why are you being so rude to me" she asked angrily. I ignored her as I just continued to eat my cake.

"Fucking answer me Lauren? Why are you being so mean to me? I did nothing!"

I glared at her "exactly! You did nothing" I yelled "do you know what today is" I questioned angrily.

Y/N just shrugs "uh Saturday...why" she asked.

A humorlessly chuckle left my mouth "really? Just Saturday? I can't believe you Y/N" I yelled as tears ran down my cheeks. Y/N rolls her eyes "I don't know why you're getting so mad? Today is just another day" she says without meaning.

I give up "Y/N get out" I said coldly.

"What? Why" she asked.

I frowned "because today means nothing to you. So please just leave. I want to be alone" I mumbled.

Y/N groans "why are you making such a big deal out of today? It literally means nothing" she yells.

My bottom lip wobbled "Y/N please just leave. I need to be alone" I whimpered. The girl just rolls her eyes "whatever Lauren. Call me when you've stopped being weird" she spat as she left my house.

I curled up on the couch and clutched a pillow to my chest and just cried my eyes out. Everyone always forgets about me.


It's eleven and there's only an hour left of my birthday. Today was honestly the worst birthday ever! No one but me told me happy birthday and I had to spend it alone and not to mention the girl I'm in love with ditched me to go on a date with the head cheerleader. This fucking sucks.

"Are you over you attitude?"

I jumped at her voice and shook my head "nope. You can leave now" I stated coldly.

"Lauren why are you acting like this? Are you jealous because I went on a date with Camila" she asked harshly.

I rolled my eyes "I couldn't care less about you date with Cabello. Today was more important than your stupid date" I spat.

She narrowed her eyes at me "so my date means nothing to you?" I nodded my head which caused her to chuckle humorlessly "God Lauren you're so fucking selfish" she seethes. I glared at her "I'm selfish? At least I never forget your birthday to go on some stupid date" I ranted.

"What are you talking about" Y/N yells.

"My birthday! You forgot my birthday" I cried angrily.

She just looks at me "no I did-"

I cut her off when I shoved my phone in her face "yes you did! You were to busy planning for you date" I growled.

Y/N looks at me "Lauren I-I don't know what to say. I-I'm sorry" she mumbles. I just shrugged "it doesn't matter anymore. My birthday is already over" I mumbled as I climbed to me.

"Lauren don't do this. Don't be mad at me for a mistake" she says desperately.

I just looked at her blankly "I'm not mad at you for a mistake. I'm mad at you because you chose Camila over me" I whispered out.

"Why are you so jealous of Camila" she asked harshly.

"Because I love you! I love you but you chose her"I cried out "and you know what's pathetic? I honestly thought that I had a chance with you. I honestly thought if I asked you out today that you would say yes but I guess I was wrong" I mumbled.

"You were going to ask me out" she asked softly.

I nodded "yeah I had it all planned out, but it doesn't matter anymore" I said sadly as I laid down.

I tensed when I felt arms wrapped around me and pulling me into her "Lo I'm really sorry I forgot about your birthday. I honestly didn't mean to" she whispered softly. I just shrugged "it's whatever. It doesn't matter anymore" I told her "yes it does matter. I was selfish and I only cared about myself. I didn't even think about your feelings. I'm really sorry Lo" she says honestly. I just shrugged "it's fine. My birthday is over anyways" I muttered sadly.

Y/N held me close to her "well if I take you on a date tomorrow, will that make up for my mistake" she asked softly. I turned in her arms "I-I mean I guess" I stuttered nervous. She smiles as she kissed me softly "good" she whispered against my lips. I couldn't help but giggle. I guess everything did work out.

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