The Meddler

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Lucy couldn't help but seethe in anger on the couch as she watched the love of her life sitting on her couch with her new girlfriend. Lucy truly did regret setting up Y/N and Lauren because if she knew that they would be dating she would have never set them. She just wish something would happen to break them up.

"Uh Lo I thing I'm gonna go." She mumbles.

Lauren looks up at her best friend with wide green eyes "aw but you just got here." She pouts.

Lucy rolls her eyes "yeah well I have more important things to do." She snaps as she stood up and left.

Lauren frowns at her friend's attitude, she did understand why Lucy snapped at her like that but she shrugs it off and thinks maybe she's just having a bad day.


Lucy sat across from the couple at lunch and couldn't help but feel angry, so without saying anything she storms over to the waitress.

"Hey can you do me a favor?" She asked.

"I guess what's up?"

"I need you to flirt with that girl." Lucy says as she pointed at Y/N "and no matter what she says don't stop."

The waitress nods as she walks back over to the table with Lucy "hey hottie what can I get for you?" The waitress asked as she winks at Y/N who looked at her with confusion etched on her face "uh can I just get a milkshake and fries please." She mumbles. The waitress nods as her hand grazed Y/N's arm. This angers Lauren to no end "uh can you fuck off and not flirt with my girlfriend!" She snaps harshly. The waitress scuffs before walking away.

Y/N sighs and turned to Lauren who kissed her softly. Lauren knows Y/N's not good with telling people to stop, she's shy and she get nervously and anxious easily which is why she's so thankful for Lauren who's the complete opposite of her. They compliment each other.

All throughout lunch Lucy had this smirk on her face because the waitress did not stop flirting with Y/N and it made her happy she knew she could use this to manipulate Lauren into breaking up with her and she the girl that she can treat her so much better. This plan will definitely work in her favor. She can't wait.


Lauren was moping on her couch because Y/N had gone to New York to visit her mom and she missed her girlfriend dearly. She wanted to go with Y/N but unfortunately she was stuck in LA trying to finish her newest album so she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

Lucy was smiling to herself because now she can get in Lauren's head and get her to break up with Y/N.

"Lo are you sure she's visiting her mom?" She asked.

Lauren raised an eyebrow at her "of course I'm sure. She would lie to me." She counters.

Lucy shrugs "I don't know. We all saw how she didn't stop that waitress from flirting with her the other day." She points out.

Lauren scrunched up her eyebrows as she thought about the situation. She shakes her head "uh Luce I have to go. I'll see you later or something." She mutters to herself as she left.

Lauren must have been too deep in thought because she forgot her phone on Lucy's couch and without a second thought Lucy picks it up and began texting Y/N.

Lauren: I can't believe you!

LOML💝: what are you talking about baby?

Lauren: I fucking saw the pictures Y/N! I know you're cheating on me!

LOML💝: what? No I'm not.

Lauren: bullshit I know about you kissing that girl! Fuck you Y/N we're doing! Don't contact me anymore.

With that said Lucy went back and deleted everything message between them just now so Lauren wouldn't know. This plan is definitely full proof.


Last night Lauren stalked Y/N's Facebook and Twitter and noticed nothing out of the ordinary, which she was thankful for. She just needed to trust the girl and everything will be fine. At least she thought.

All day Lauren has been hanging out with Lucy because she realized in her rush she forgot her phone and went to get it which led to the two of them hanging out. She frowns when she didn't get a text from Y/N but she shook it off because she realized that she's probably just hanging out with her family and she should text her soon.

Back in New York Y/N spent the whole day in bed crying she just couldn't believe that Lauren would accuse her of cheating and then just break up with her without even listening to her. It hurts be there was nothing she could do because Lauren didn't want to talk to her anymore. She was truly heartbroken.


Two weeks has passed and Lauren hasn't heard from Y/N and she was pissed because Y/N apparently had time to post pictures but couldn't text her back. So today she's going to confront the girl since she's picking her up from the airport.

Lauren was on time and fuming when she saw her girlfriend. With the angriest expression etched on her face she makes her way over to the girl.

"So you don't know how to text anymore?" Lauren spat angrily at her girlfriend.

Y/N looks at her ex confused "uh if memory serves me correctly you told me that it was over and not to text you anymore." She mumbles sadly.

Lauren was confused "uh no I didn't!" She yells. Y/N nods her head "yes you did. You accused me of cheating and then you broke up with me." She said. Lauren shook her head "no I didn't. I've been texting you for two weeks and you never replied to me." She argues.

Y/N sighs as she pulls out her phone and showed Lauren the text messages "see that was the messages that I got from you." She said as she showed her the break up messages.

Lauren was really confused now "uh I never sent those." She said. Y/N tilts her head "but they came from your phone," she furrowed her eyebrows "if it wasn't you then who?"


"Lucy open the fucking door!" Lauren yells as she pounds on the front door.

Lucy opens the door with a smirk but if fell when she saw Y/N standing behind Lauren "uh what-"

"How could you!" Lauren screams "how could you pretend to be me and break up with my girlfriend? How low are you?"

Lucy gulps but didn't let her nervousness show "I have no idea what you're talking about." She shrugs.

Lauren was fuming "oh really," she chuckles dryly "then please explain to me why Y/N has text messages from 'me' saying that we're over the exact same day that I left my phone here?" She challenged.

Lucy shrugs "I don't know, Lo. Maybe you got too high and forgot that you texted her. I don't know." She says.

Lauren could see what she was doing and it wasn't going to work "you. You were the one who told the waitress to flirt with Y/N, then you tried to tell me that she was cheating on me because she didn't stop her from flirting. You've been trying to break us up." She realized "why Lucy?"

Lucy was angry "because I fucking love you, you idiot!" She screams "I love you but you choose her over me!" She cries.

Lauren frowns at this "Lucy that's not fair, you told me that you'd never feel the same way when I confessed my feelings, which is why you set us up. You can't just try to break us up because now you realize your feelings that's not fair to any of us." She said softly.

Lucy rolls her eyes and slammed the door in Lauren's face. The Latina sighs as she turns to Y/N who hugs her tightly. At least she still had someone.

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