Good Enough

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Lauren know that she wasn't not Y/N's type when they first started dating. She was a short, curvy girl with bringing green eyes. Y/N liked tall, thin girls will dark blue eyes, so it weighed heavy on Lauren that physically she wasn't her girlfriends type. However she tried hard to be the best girlfriend Y/N has ever had.

"Hey baby I was thinking that maybe we can go out for dinner tonight." Lauren suggested.

Y/N cringed at the thought of going out "uh how's about we stay in. We can order take out and cuddle while we watch our favorite movies." She suggested instead. Lauren wasn't one for confrontation so she agreed "ok."


Sitting on the bed Lauren was messing around with her makeup because she was trying to look more like the girls Y/N was attracted to and makeup could help her look way more pretty and help Y/N see that she is attractive.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asked.

Lauren grins "do you like it? I've been trying to perfect my makeup skills." She says, "do you like it?"

Y/N sighed as she took in Lauren's appearance "yeah, sure." She mumbles, "anyways Lauren I'm going out with some friends. I'll be back later." She says.

Lauren didn't get to say anything before Y/N grabbed her things and quickly left the apartment. With a sad sigh she fell back on the bed and held a mirror up to her face. She frowned as she looks at herself "maybe I'm just not pretty enough."

Dancing at the club Y/N smirks when Kendall started dancing with her. This was what she needed and she was glad that she finally got it.

"So how's things with your new girl?" Kendall asked.

Y/N rolls her eyes "terrible! Like Lauren keeps trying to be this stunning, beautiful girl and that's just not her. She's not beautiful." She says, "like Mindy my last girlfriend was naturally stunning! She didn't have to try. Lauren has to put on gallons of makeup to even be half as pretty as Mindy was."

Kendall chuckled "why are you even dating her?"

"Because I feel bad for her. I mean her last relationship ended terribly and I just wanted to be there for her." Y/N says, "to be absolutely honestly I'm not even attracted to her like that."


A lot of things have happened to Lauren in her life, but she never thought that she would be bad mouthed by the person she loves the most in this world. She knew she wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world but hearing Y/N say it in a video really broke her heart and shatter the little self confidence that she had left.

Sitting in the closet Lauren had tears running down her cheeks as she packed her things. She didn't want to leave Y/N, but she also didn't want Y/N to feel obligated to be in a relationship with her. As hard as this was for her Lauren knew that in the long run she was making the right decision because she knows that Y/N will find her perfect girl and she'll live happily ever after. That's all she wanted. She just wanted Y/N to be happy.

Arriving home at two thirty in the afternoon Y/N headed towards the bedroom to talk to Lauren. Walking into the bedroom she frowned when she didn't see the green eyed girl.

However her eyes bulged out of her head when she saw that all of Lauren's things were gone. Looking around the room she found a note on the bed.

Hey Y/N,

I just wanted to start off by saying that I saw a video of you and Kendall talking at the club. I'm not mad at you I just wished that you would have been honest with me. It could have saved me the heart break of ending thighs this way. I love you Y/NN, but I'm not what you want and I'm definitely not what you need. I sincerely hope that you find happiness because you truly deserve it.


Y/N really didn't know how to feel about this. She didn't know what to do and that frustrated her. Was this for the best? She honestly didn't know. She didn't know if this was right.


As days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months Y/N found out that this wasn't what she wanted. She didn't want Lauren to break up with her because even though she didn't show it she really loved the girl. Lauren was the only person that she truly loved and her shallow views may have ruined her only chance to be truly happy.

"Y/N what if she doesn't want you back?" Normani asked.

"Yeah what if she moved on?" Dinah asked.

Y/N shrugs "that's just something I'll have to find out for myself."

Lauren was sitting on her parents couch watching some ridiculous romantic movie when the doorbell rang. Her eyes grew wide when she saw who was at the door "Y/N what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I just wanted to talk." Y/N said.

"I'm really not sure. Y/N I have nothing to say to you." Lauren says.

Looking at the girl Y/N could tell that Lauren had her guard up, and although she understood why she really wished Lauren didn't have it up. She sighs "just give me five minutes and if you don't want me I'll leave you alone... Forever." She says.

Lauren thought for a moment but agreed "you have five minutes."

Y/N smiles as she walks inside and took a seat on the couch. She ran her fingers through her hair "I want to start off by saying I'm really sorry. What I said that night was completely out of line and you didn't deserve that Lauren." She says, "you're an amazing girl and I know I never said it to you, but you really are beautiful Lauren."

Lauren wrapped her arms around herself "no I'm not. You said it yourself that I will never be beautiful like your ex." Her voice cracked as she spoke.

It was in that moment when Y/N really saw how broken the girl's self confidence was. She didn't see it when they were dating for seven months, but she definitely sees it now. Standing up from the couch she walked over to Lauren and hugged her tightly.

Having Y/N's arms around her made Lauren cry harder. This was the first time she really felt like Y/N actually cared about her, like she actually wanted to be around her and that made her really happy. She's not sure what this means for them but she's definitely willing to figure it out.

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