Her Second Choice

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Lauren was sitting in her wheelchair watching as she girlfriend got ready to go out. "Y/NN, honey where are you going?"
She asked.

"Out with Normani and Camila. Don't wait up." Y/N said coldly.

Lauren played with her fingers "do you think you could come home early so we can spend time together?" She asked.

Y/N shook her head "nope I want to hang out with my friends who I haven't seen since your accident." She said.

"And I get that but-"

"There should be no but. Just understand that I want to be with them, not you." Y/N interrupted.

Lauren decided not to argue with her anymore "fine I hope you have fun." Y/N just rolled her eyes and quickly left the apartment eager to hang out with her friends.

Arriving at the bar Y/N quickly found her friends sitting at the bar "I'm sorry I'm late. Lauren was trying to get me to cancel." She spoke with annoyance help in her voice.

"I hate to be that person, but maybe you should have." Normani said, "I mean you have spent alone time with her since the accident."

"No, Mani we've planned this forever ago. I'm not just going to cancel because she's lonely." Y/N says.

"Yeah Jauregui can entertain herself." Camila adds.

Normani sighs "ok fine." Smiling at their friend Camila and Y/N quickly order shot and downed them. Here's to a fun night.


Today Lauren has a doctor's appointment and she needs someone to go with her "baby can you come with me to my doctor's appointment today?" She asked.

"Nope Camila and I have plans today." Y/N said as she fixed her hair.

"Could you maybe do them some other time? I really need your help today?" She asked.

Y/N stops what she is doing and glares at her girlfriend "so because you need help I have to drop everything and help you?" Her voice rose as she spoke, "Lauren I have a life outside of helping you all the time! So I suggest you back off and let me do me, for once!" She snaps.

Lauren frowns "babe I understand that, but I can't-"

"If you really loved me you'd let me do what I want." Y/N spat before storming out of the apartment.

Lauren shook her head and called up her friend "hey can you come pick me up please?"

Sitting in the living room Lauren had her bag sitting in her lap as she waited for her friend to come pick her up. Staring down at her phone she frowned when she saw that Y/N posted at picture with Camila and captioned it this girl💜. It hurt because she was staring to feel like she was losing Y/N because ever since the accident things between the two haven't been the same and she hated it. She hated that she was losing the girl she loved.

"Hey Lo. You ready?" Dinah asked as she walked inside.

Lauren quickly wiped her tears away and nodded her head "yeah, yeah I'm ready." She said quickly as she grabs her things and followed Dinah out the door.

Sitting in the doctor's office Lauren was getting her annual check up and additional processors to make sure that her condition wasn't getting any worse.

"Everything seems to look good Ms Jauregui." The doctor says.

Lauren smiles a little "thank you." She says, "may I set up our next appointment?"

The doctor nods "of course." She says as she opens up her planner, "so how are things with Ms Y/L/N?"

Lauren's face fell "bad. She's been avoiding me since the accident and the news about my condition." She said, "we haven't spent time alone together since before the accident and I really miss her." She admitted.

"Maybe it's time that you talk to her. You'll never fix things if you don't."

As badly as Lauren wanted to argue she knew that the doctor was right. It was really time for her to talk to Y/N. Maybe then she could figure out what was wrong between them. "Maybe you're right."


Sitting at lunch with Dinah she couldn't stop thinking about what the doctor said, but I think wasn't that easy because every time Lauren did try to talk to Y/N the girl always runs off and proceeds to ignore her.

"Lauren are you ok? You seem kind of lost in thought." Dinah comments.

Lauren shakes her head "nope I'm dreading this talk with Y/N. I just don't know what to say to her honestly." She said.

"Lo just be honest with your feelings. Tell her what's really going on." Dinah says.

Lauren nodded "you're probably right." She was not looking forward to this talk.


Lauren was sitting in her wheelchair by the couch waiting for her girlfriend to come home so they could talk. It was going to be hard but she really needed answers.

The front door opening had Lauren looking up "Y/N can we talk please?" She asked timidly. Y/N rolls her eyes "nope I have to go change. Camila and I are going out tonight." She says as she walks away.

"Do you not love me anymore?"

Y/N stops short and quickly turned towards Lauren "of course I love you! How could you even ask that Lauren?"

Tears welled up in Lauren's eyes as she looks up at her girlfriend "how can I not?" She says, "I mean you never want to spend time with me. You're always out with your friends. Every time I ask to spend time with you, you blow me off to go party with your friends. I'm starting to feel like you hate me."

Hearing that made You/N's heart stop because she honestly had no idea how badly she was hurting Lauren "baby I had no idea. I never meant to hurt you." She said, "I'm so sorry Lauren."

"Then why did you ignore me? What did I do wrong?" Lauren cries.

Y/N kneeled in front of the crying girl and grabbed her hand "baby you did nothing wrong. I've just been feeling so guilty because if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in this position." She said sadly.

Lauren looked at her and for the first time in a while she actually saw her girlfriend showing some emotions "baby I'm not mad at you, I don't blame you for what happened." She says.

"Yeah but I blame myself because I should have been paying more attention to the road." Y/N cried.

Lauren gently cups her cheeks and kissed Y/N softly, letting her know that she wasn't mad at her and loved her just as much as she did before the accident. Nothing has changed. Pulling away Lauren smiled at her girlfriend "baby I love you so, so much. Please never forget that." She says. Y/N smiles and kissed Lauren softly "and I love you too."

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