Disconnect Part Two

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Two Years Later
Lauren pulled into the driveway of a small home and took of her helmet as she walked up to the door and knocked twice.

"Well look who it is. Long time no see Jauregui." Normani greets.

Lauren smiled "I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch. I was just having such a good time sightseeing in Europe." She said.

Normani just waved her off as she hugged her "it's fine Lo. I get it." She says, "so how is everything?"

Lauren smiles "it's good. I'm very happy." She replies.

"That's good." Normani smiles, "so when do we get to meet this new mystery woman?"

Lauren smiled "soon. I'm having a dinner at my parents and she's going to be there, so I figured that you and Ally could stop by." She said.

Normani nodded "we'd love too."

Y/N groaned as she stood up from the bed and made her way to the kitchen. After Lauren left and she broke things off with Camila her life began falling apart. She lost her job as a producer, her friends left her and most importantly the girl she loved left her. Nothing was going her way and it sucked!

"I heard your ex is back in town." A voice said.

Y/N sighed "I don't care about Camila." She snapped at her friend.

"Nope not her."

Y/N tensed up and turned to her friend "Kendall please tell me you're joking." She begged, "please."

Kendall shook her head "nope. I'm very serious. I saw her hanging out with Normani." She informed, "she's having some dinner and I think we should crash it."

Y/N shook her head "I don't know-"

"Y/N she broke your heart! She hurt you! I think it's time for your revenge." Kendall cut her off, "make her hurt the way you have for the past two years."

Y/N thought for a second before agreeing "you're right."


Lauren was standing in the doorway greeting everyone when an arm wrapped itself around her waist and kissed her cheek. She smiled as she looked up "hey baby!"

Dinah smiles "hey love. Normani wants you."

Lauren nodded and made her way over to her friend "hey Mani-"

"Y/N's coming!" Normani interrupted.

Lauren's face fell "why? Why would she come?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. I just got a text from her saying that she was stopping by." Normani replies.

Lauren just sighed "just keep her in line. This is a nice dinner and I don't want anyone to ruin it." She says.

Normani nodded "I understand."

Stepping out of the car Y/N fixed her dress as she made her way towards the front door and walked inside. There she was greeted by a blonde girl, who she scuffed at and walked away.

"Y/N why are you here?"

Y/N rolled her eyes "because I just wanted to pay my ex a visit." She said.

Ally raised an eyebrow "why? I thought you hated her and never wanted to see her again." She says.

"I do, but that's kind of why I'm here." Y/N smirked, "I'm going to show her what she's missing out on."

Ally sighed "Y/NN whatever you're planning on doing please don't. Lauren is happy and in a goop place please don't ruin that." She begs.

Y/N just shrugged "it's too late for that."

Lauren was standing nervously in front of the crowd with Dinah as everyone looked at them. She took a breath "I know this is everyone's first time meeting Dinah, but we wanted you guys to meet before we took the next step." She said.

Dinah smiled at her before looking out at the crowd "we're engaged!" She announced happily.

Now Y/N was pissed. It had only been two years and not only did Lauren move on quickly but she got engaged. Really.

Being fueled by her anger she stormed up to the front and snatched a mic from Lauren. The couple looked at her but she just smirked "hi I know our first meeting wasn't great, but do you want kids?" She asked Dinah.

Dinah smiles "of course! I love kids." She says.

Y/N nodded with a fake pout "oh that's too bad because Lauren can't have any. She got a hysterectomy after a terrible car accident." She blurts out.

Lauren, along with the crowd, gasped "Y/N-"

"She also has a tendency to cheat. I can't count how many times during our relationship that she cheated." Y/N says, "I mean I would often catch her in babe with our neighbor."

Tears welled up in her green eyes as Lauren looked at her ex "Y/N please-"

"She may say that she loves you now, but that's going to change in a few months. She'll become cold and distant. She did it with me and her other exs and she's going to do it to you too." Y/N cuts her off as she continued, "don't think you're any different because you're not."

Lauren let the tears fall and with such hurt in her eyes she stormed out of the party and decided to leave.


The voice that once brought her joy, brought her nothing but anger at the point. She turned around "don't you think you've hurt me enough tonight! Just leave me alone Y/N!" She screams.

"Don't act innocent Lauren! You broke my heart when you decided to leave! So don't play the victim!" Y/N spat.

Lauren shook her head "I left because you cheated! I left because you were in love with Camila and I wanted you too be happy! I loved you and I wanted nothing more than to see you happy and I figured you'd be happy with Camila." She said.

"What happened was a mistake! Lauren I was in love with you! I wanted everything with you, but you left me! You left and you broke my heart." Y/N cried.

"If you loved me so much why did you cheat on me? Why would you do that?" Lauren asked sadly.

Y/N shrugged "I was stressed and Camila was there. It just happened, it didn't mean anything." She says.

"Y/N weeks before we broke up you ignored me. I would ask to go to dinner, but you would blow me off for Camila. I know you take the music you do seriously, but some attention from you would have been so nice." Lauren tells her.

Y/N reached for her but Lauren pulled away. She sighed "Lauren I love you, please just give me one more chance. I promise I won't mess up this time." She begged, "please."

Lauren shakes her head "I can't. I'm with Dinah now and she makes me happy. Like really happy." She said, "we toured Europe together! We had our first kiss next to the Eiffel Tower and I fell head over heels for her. I love her and I can really see myself with her. I'm in love with her."

Seeing the way Lauren's eyes lit up as she talked so passionately about her new lover broke Y/N's heart, but it also made her realize just how happy Lauren really was and she can't ruin that.

She gave her a small grin "I'm really sorry for hurting you, and even though I'm not over you I'm going to let you go and be happy with Dinah." She says.

Lauren gave her a small smile and hugged her "thank you." With that said she walked towards her fiance and walked back inside.

Watching Lauren walk away the second time was hard for Y/N, but she couldn't in all honesty keep the girl from what made her happy. Lauren was happy and that's all she ever wanted. The girl was happy now it was time for her to move on.

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