Just Friends

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Y/N knew that her feelings for Lauren weren't ones that friends usually had and she honestly didn't know what to do. She couldn't talk to Lauren because she didn't want to scare her best friend away, but she really needed someone to talk to and she didn't know who.

"Y/NN guess what?" Lauren asked as she walks inside.

Y/N looks at her friend "what is it Lo?" She asked.

Lauren smiles "Dinah asked me out today and I said yes! Isn't that great!"

Y/N felt like her heart had been taken out of her chest and stomped on. This wasn't what she was expecting "that's great Lauren." She said.

Lauren smiled at her "isn't it? I honestly think she might be the one. Well at least I hope she is. I really like her." She said.

Seeing how happy she was made Y/N happy but it also made her sad because she wanted to be the one who made Lauren happy. She really wanted to be that. Unfortunately she wasn't.


As the weeks of passed Y/N watched as Dinah and Lauren got closer and closer. She could see it in Lauren's beautiful eyes that she was definitely falling in love with Dinah and it broke her heart.

"I'm thinking of asking Dinah to be my girlfriend. Do you think that's a good idea?" Lauren asked.

"No! Don't!" Y/N blurts out.

"What? Why not?" Lauren asked.

Y/N sighs "because I'm in love with you Lauren. I want to be with you." She said honestly.

Lauren was shocked. She truly had no idea "I didn't know Y/NN. I'm not sure what to say." She mumbles.

"Please say you'll be with me." Y/N begs, "please."

Lauren looks at her best friend and frowned "I'm sorry but I can't." She said. "I love you but-"

"Not in that way. Yeah I get it." Y/N said sadly as she walked away.


After confessing her feeling Y/N decided to completely avoid Lauren because she honestly couldn't be around her knowing that Lauren didn't feel the same way. It hurt too much.

As she was walking down the halls she wasn't paying attention and bumped into somebody.


Looking down Y/N's eyes grew wide "oh gosh! I am so sorry!" She said.

The girl just smiles "it's fine." She said as she stood up and dusted herself off, "I'm Ally by the way."

Y/N nodded "I'm Y/N and I'm really sorry again." She said. Ally giggles "it's fine." She says, "would you like to join me for lunch." She asked. Y/N giggles "I would love to."


Y/N and Ally were giggling as they walked through the halls "hey would you like to maybe catch a movie tonight... With me?" Y/N asked shyly. Ally smiles "I would love to." She agrees. Y/N was so excited that she said "great see you at seven." She says. Ally kissed her cheek "see you at seven."

Since she's been home all Y/N has been doing was picking out an outfit for tonight. A knock on the door made her roll her eyes but she answered it anyway and she was surprised by who it was.

"Lauren what are you doing here?" She asked.

Lauren gave her a small grin "I was hoping we could talk." She said. Y/N sighed "I mean sure." She agreed.

Lauren gave her a kind smile as she walks inside. Taking a seat next to her best friend Lauren sighs "I know we haven't talked since you told me you love me but I can't lose you Y/NN you are my best friend and I need you in my life. I'm really sorry I can't reciprocate your feelings but please don't stop being my best friend. We have history and I want you to met my first girlfriend. Just please don't leave me." She begs.

Y/N looks down at her feet "so you and Dinah are officially dating." Lauren nodded "yeah we are. We made it official two days ago." She replied. "Two days? But that night was over a month ago-"

"I know but I couldn't be happy knowing how upset you were." Lauren said, "and a few days ago I saw you with the new girl and you just looked so happy. So I figured I could finally ask Dinah to be mine."

Y/N laughed "I swear you always put me first. LoLo you didn't have to do that, you should have asked her out that night." She said. Lauren shrugs "maybe but I didn't want to do something that would make you hate me." She said.

Y/N hugs her best friend "I could never hate you. I mean yeah I fell for you but you were happy with Dinah and I wasn't going to ruin that just because of my feelings." She said.

Lauren pulls away "so who's this girl you've been hanging out with?" She asked, "is she nice?"

Y/N's cheeks turned red "she's absolutely amazing! Gosh Lauren every time I'm around her I just get so nervous because I know I'm going to do something awkward and she's going to leave me, but she doesn't!"

"Well she clearly likes your dorkiness." Lauren chuckles, "so do you have a date tonight?" She asked.

Y/N shrugged "not really sure but I did ask her to the movies." She said, "which I have to leave for right now." Lauren hugged her one last time "have fun babe." She whispered. Y/N smiles "I will."


Arriving at the movies Y/N held Ally's hand as they walked inside the theatre. Ally smiles "thank you for taking me to the movies." She said. Y/N blushed "you're welcome."

During the movie Y/N couldn't take her eyes off of the girl next to her. Yeah she was a little concerned with how fast she was falling for Ally, but there didn't make her any less happy about it. She really likes Ally and she can see herself being with her for a very long time.

The movie ended and the girls left the theater hand in hand, the same way they entered. Ally looks up at the girl "so how much of the movie did you actually see?" She asked.

Y/N shrugs "enough but you were definitely more interesting." She said.

"How so?" Ally asked.

Y/N stops walking and stood in front of Ally as she holds her hips "I mean for one your beauty is out of this world! Your facial expressions when something intense happens. That cute thing you do with your nose when you laugh. Basically everything." She says.

Ally could feel her heart fluttering at her words "that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me." She said, "thank you." Y/N looked down at her and without saying anything she kisses her. Ally quickly reciprocated the kiss as she wraps her arms around her neck. It was in there moment that Y/N knew exactly what she wanted and what she wanted was Ally.


One Year Later.
Y/N was smoothing out her dress when she felt two arms wrapping around her and she chuckles "are you sure this looks good?" She asked.

"You look beautiful Y/NN! Ally's going to fall head over heels when she sees you!" Lauren said happily.

Y/N laughed "and Dinah's going to fall head over heels when she sees you as well." She said. Lauren laughed "let's go!"

Arriving at the dance both girls smiled when they saw their girlfriends waiting for them outside of the door.

"Wow babe you look beautiful." Dinah said.

Lauren blushed "oh thank you Dinah." She muttered as she hugged her girlfriend, who quickly hugged her back.

Y/N smiles at Ally who was looking at her with heart eyes "you look stunning Y/N." Ally whispered. Y/N kissed her cheek "thank you baby." She said, "now let's go dance!"

As she was dancing with her girlfriend Y/N couldn't help but smile. She honestly never thought that she would ever feel something so deep for someone other than Lauren, but she had. She fell head over heels in love with Ally and she couldn't be happier about. It looks like both her and Lauren really did find their true loves.

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