More Than A Hookup

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Waking up the next morning Y/N fluttered her eyes open and frowned when she didn't see a certain green eyed beauty laying by her. With a sad sigh she sat up and headed into the kitchen. 

"Good morning Y/N/N!" Lauren greeted cheerfully as she walked inside. 

Y/N's eyes lit up when she saw the girl but quickly covered it up "hey Lo. Where did you go?" She asked. 

"To get us breakfast. I mean after the night we had we could definitely use some food." Lauren teased. 

Y/N blushed a little "you're absolutely ridiculous Jauregui." She said. 

Lauren giggled as she took a seat next to the beautiful girl "and you're still naked." She teased, "now go get dressed. Hurry up and eat because I want to take you somewhere."

Y/N playfully rolled her eyes but did as she said and ran to go get dressed. Hopefully today is filled with something fun. 

After messing around in the shower with Lauren and rushing to get dressed Y/N quickly followed Lauren out of the door and towards her car. Getting in she looked at the girl "where are we going?" She asked. 

Lauren smiled and kissed the girl's nose "you'll see."

Arriving at a small apartment complex Lauren smiled widely as she get out of the car and ran quickly up the stairs. Y/N huffed as she rushed to catch up with the overly excited girl. What the hell was going on. 

Lauren was practically shaking with excitement as she knocked on the door "oh Y/N/N I can't wait for you to meet her! Gosh you'll love her!" She said excitedly. 

As confused as she was Y/N couldn't help but smile at how happy Lauren was. It was a beautiful sight to see Lauren so happy and she never wanted to see the opposite. Ever. 

"Hello Lauren."

Lauren smiled "hello Dinah. Is Mani here?" She asked quickly, tapping her foot. 

"Yeah she's down the hall-"

Before Dinah could finish Lauren quickly ran inside and straight down the hall and quickly jumped into a dark skin girl's arms "Mani I've missed you so much!"

Y/N frowned at their exchange. The way Lauren jumped in the girl's arms made her extremely sad because since the time they left the apartment Lauren was overly joyful and now she knows why. 

"They're just friends you know."

Y/N looked over at the blonde "are you sure? They seem pretty friendly to me." She muttered bitterly. 

Dinah chuckled "I'm positive because Normani's my fiancee." She said. 

Y/N felt like an idiot "gosh I'm so sorry. I mean I really shouldn't be because we're not even really together." She mumbled sadly. 

"But you want to be." Dinah points out. 

Y/N nodded "more than anything."

Lauren was smiling as she looked down at Normani's ring "I seriously can't believe that you're getting married! Gosh Mani this is amazing!" She squealed. 

"Yeah it's pretty amazing." Normani gushed, "so what about you? Anyone interesting?"

Lauren blushed "yeah... But I'm not sure if she's really into me like that." She said. 

"If you're talking about your friend, I think she's into you more than you know Lo." Normani pointed out. 

Lauren smiled a little "I really hope so."

It was almost midnight when Lauren and Y/N decided to head back to the apartment. Taking off her coat Y/N sat down on the couch and threw her head back and closed her eyes. 

Seeing the girl in a relaxed state Lauren gently climbed into her lap and snuggled into her, leaving gently kisses on her neck every now and again. 

"What are you doing Jauregui?" Y/N asked. 

Lauren pulled away and cupped her face gently "instead of our usual rough and wild sex, tonight I want you to make love to me. I want to feel close to you. More than I ever have before." She said. 

Y/N's eyes were wide but she nodded "ok."


After last night Y/N left Lauren with nothing more than a note next to her on a pillow. She had to come to terms that this was the last time she would ever see Lauren again. She loved the girl but she just didn't think that she was what the girl wanted. 

Ok sure they've been friends (with benefits) for a few years now and yeah feelings got involved but she just had to accept the fact that she wasn't what Lauren wanted. She wasn't sure what the girl wanted but if she really want her then they would have been together, but they're not and that's just something that she has to accept. 

Lauren was absolutely devastated when she woke up this morning and saw that Y/N was gone. She thought that she made herself absolutely clear last night when they made love. She thought that she made it clear that she wanted nobody else but Y/N. Unfortunately she had to make herself more clear because Y/N didn't seem to understand. 

Speeding down the road Lauren was just hoping that Y/N would listen to her because she just needed to say how she felt out loud. Yeah she probably should have started with that but she thought making love to Y/N and showing the girl that she cared was sweet. She should have been more straight forward. 

Parking her car at a very bad angle Lauren wasted no time rushing to the door and knocking quickly. She sighed deeply as she waited for the girl she was in love with to answer the door. 

"Lauren what are you doing here?" Y/N asked. 

Lauren smiled shyly "I've come here to tell you that I love you Y/N and last night I thought I was proving that by making love to you but I should have been more clear with my feelings." She said, "I should have been clear the moment I fell in love with you because then it would have saved us both the confusion."

Y/N's heart was beating fast and she was kind of confused "are you sure Lauren? Are you really sure because I really don't want this to just be a game." She said. 

Lauren smiled as she leans in and gently kissed Y/N. She just needed to show the girl how much she loves her. She really loved her "I'm absolutely sure Y/N/N. I love you." She said honestly, "I really do babe."

Y/N smiled as she looked at the beautiful girl "I love you too Lauren." She whispered softly, "so much."

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