One & Only

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Part Two

"Lo please! Can't we work this out?" I begs.

Lauren shook her head "no I'm sorry but my heart is no longer in it." She said.

"But you promised! You promised you wouldn't leave me! Ever!" I cried.

She nodded "I did and I tried, I fucking tried so hard to hold on to that promised, but in the end the heartbreak and hurt was too much. I'm sorry Y/NN." She tells me.

Tears fell down my face as I just looked at her with a look of hurt etched on my face. I sighed "yeah, so am I."

There is never a moment in the day that conversation doesn't plays in my head. I fucked up and I hurt the only person that truly cared about me and I didn't realize it until it was too late.

I pushed her away so much that she eventually got tired of my shit and left for good. Lauren loved me so much and I just broke her heart. I hurt one of the most precious girls and I will never forgive myself for that.

After Lauren left for good that night I kicked Gigi out and I haven't spoken to her since. I don't fault her for what happened between me and Lauren because it was mainly me who came on to her, but just losing the love of my life I just couldn't jump into a relationship with her. It would be too soon.

Fixing my coat I headed into my favorite coffee shop. Unfortunately since I wasn't paying attention I bumped into someone. I signed as I looked up "look I'm so sor-Lauren?" I asked softly.

"Oh, uh, hey Y/N." She spoke softly.

I couldn't help but study her. I know it's only been two years but God does she look beautiful. She really does "you look amazing Lauren." I said, "how are you?"

Lauren gave me a small grin "I uh I'm good." She says, "how uh how are you?"

I could tell she was still nervous to be around me and honestly it broke my heart. I could see the nervousness in her eyes "um I'm good." I said.

"That's good. Really." She says.

I gave her a small grin "hey I'll see you around, ok?"

She nods "ok."


Lauren's P.O.V
Arriving home I close the door and slid down it as I put my head in my hands. With all the avoiding I was trying to do, I still ran into Y/N and I wasn't sure how to feel about it. I mean she was very nice but with everything that happened between us I'm not sure I can face her again.

"Hey Lauren are you ok?" Dinah asked.

I shook my head "no I um I ran into Y/N today." I confessed quietly.

Dinah's eyes grew wide "did she do anything to you? Are you ok?" She asked quickly.

"I'm fine." I said, "in fact she was actually very nice and it reminded me of when we first met and how cute and shy she was."

Dinah sat next to me "you still love her, don't you?"

I nodded "I never stopped. I know we broke up and I know she hurt me, but I just can't help that I love her." I said, "I mean maybe there's a chance that she's changed, but I'm also extremely scared to get back with her. What if she hurts me again. I know I couldn't handle that twice."

Dinah nodded "well what do you want to do? Do you want to get back together with her or do you just want closure?" She asked.

I signed as I rested my head on her shoulder. Did I want to go back down that road with Y/N again or did I just want closure? I'm really not sure.


After staying up all night I decided on exactly what I wanted and I really needed to talk to Y/N.

"Hey Lauren what are you doing here?" She asked.

I gave her a small grin "Y/N can we talk?" I asked.

Y/N nodded "of course. Come in." She says as she let's me inside.

I gave her a small grin as I took a seat on the couch. I sighed "for the pass twenty four hours I have been thinking and I still love you Y/N." I said, "I still love you but I terrified to get back together because I'm afraid that you'll hurt me again and I just can't go through that."

Y/N gave me a small grin as she sat next to me. She took my hand in hers "Lauren I promise to never hurt you again. After you left I decided to clean up my act and I promise I will never hurt you again. I promise." She said.

I didn't say anything as I pressed my lips to hers as I kissed her deeply. I've missed her lips so much "please don't hurt me. I love you so much." I whispered. Y/N pecked my lips "I promise."

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