We are not alone!

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No matter what any of us feel being lonely and all alone with any situation, no one is ever alone in anything. We may look alone but we are never alone when you think and look at it in a different perspective that's not your own.

Take a look around you when you're in public, not just online in the virtual world. Yeah we can see all those tweets with hashtags around mental health, mental illness and other areas like depression, anxiety, bipolar depression, schizophrenia and more.

But in the real world, out in the public, look around; there's more than enough who are in the same or similar boat as you. As per how mental health is known for being an invisible illness epidemic, you can't tell as easily enough if someone is mentally ill. Like how we can tell easy enough by noticing someone wearing a cast on their arm or anything that says a medical illness like an injury or an illness/disease.

When others see a cast on our leg, they run or walk towards us with a marker to sign it. But when they find out that we have a mental illness, they put so much shame around it, they act like we are saying so for attention or because of all those other commonly used phrases they've used on us towards our illness. And that needs to stop.

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