Justin Bieber

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Justin Bieber Believe | trailer US (2013) this is something so incredible it makes me cry of joy, happiness for who was created! And what he created himself! Unbelievable, inspiring, positive, beautiful and just truly an amazing person that was born on our home planet!

Ellen: Why you were so nervous? Why you posted that.

Justin: Well it was the first time I was on television for a long time and I was just worried about what people were thinking about me. Like I said last time, I did a lot of things in the past few years that I'm not proud of. But yeah, I was just nervous to be in front of people again and talk in front of them.

Ellen: And so I thought that was really honest of you to say it here. But when your a home, you thought "well I gotta get this out there. And I'm gonna do this." What made you do that?

Justin: I thought that I just looked really extra nervous and I kinda just wanted to explain myself.

Justin: I am human. People often forget that even with some of their comments and stuff, they think it doesn't get to me. But it gets to me. Pi know, things that people say bothers me and I gotta be strong enough to just keep it pushing. That's why I wanted to make the video. To let people know that I'm human, I love people, I love, I'm passionate about things and I'm passionate about being better and growing. So I think that this is gonna be an awesome chapter in my life. And I'm so glad to have you guys (fans/beliebers) supporting me!

I am human. People often forget that with someone's comments that it doesn't get to me but it gets to me. You know the things that people say, bothers me. And I gotta get strong enough to just keep it pushing but that's why I just want to make the video to make people know I'm human, I love people, I love love love, I'm passionate about things and I'm passionate about being better and growing.

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