Lucy Hale

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Many things that we at certain stages of our lives find that they really won't mean anything that important nor be a big deal a year or so from then.

So really we all have to think long and hard about this to analyze whether or not it's worth worrying about or fighting about like it's the end of the world. Again that's the anxiety/stress talking, not you.

Separate these feelings and labels apart from you. You are not your illness. You are not your stress. You are not your depression. My parents aren't the stigma itself.

Because if the stigma didn't exist, they wouldn't be acting, speaking, thinking in those ways that the stigma makes more too easily possible to let it have its power over us. But the truth is, we have more power over it than we may lead ourselves to be.

Just like with bullies. We think they have more power over us being the victims, but we aren't. Because we actually do have more power over the other because we have that kind of power and control to not let anyone treat less than what we deserve!

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