Healthy Brain Health

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Having a healthy brain can sound weird and odd to many people of our society but once you get into educating yourself about the subject as the whole topic itself, as well as practicing healthier habits and lifestyle changes; you'll get into the routine and used to the new way of living.

As a reminder, without the brain we wouldn't exist. So doesn't it make enough sense to take better care of it than we have been to benefit from it more in more ways we will be amazed by. How changing the way we take care of ourselves not just physically but emotionally and mentally, we can really benefit from the outcomes greatly enough being more efficient, effective, productive, kind, ethical, creative and optimistic. And its not bad at all to be a little pessimistic if that's the term used.

Which would you prefer? Dystopia or optimistic? And by that I mean: pessimistic or optimistic? Which one are you currently following in your lifestyle? Which one would you prefer and why?

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