My Mental Health

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Lately I've still been feeling a lot of things that would happen when my mental health is not at a healthy level. Still very little emotion, very little to no pleasure and interest in the hobbies that I normally enjoy and passionate for, not feeling like myself at all but had my parents take away my iPad, iPod and laptop (a week ago I had an online crazy spending spree).

For the days that I haven't had the iPad particularly, I've missed it but at times to feel like it's a good thing to help me gain control and practice the same and better habits for spending money like I normally do when shopping at malls. But for the part on missing it, there have been some ideas of mine throughout those days that I really wanted to type on my iPad with my keyboard to create some really creative, inspiring, uplifting, encouraging and insightful articles and posts on my Medium account!

Now I've lost that urge to post a lot on my tumblr account, but I've decided to posts either once a day or every other day or so. And to not post as much posts on Facebook. Will post more of the kind of posts I still am interested in posting once I've moved further with my full diagnosis and further steps for my mental health as well.

Once I get the results from my full diagnosis, I will discuss with both doctors and my parents about letting me post the kind of post that they've always been refusing to let me post online,: relating to mental health, adding my thoughts to links in posts, etc.

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, more money, in order to do more ifs hat they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you really need to do, in order to have what you want." ~ Margaret Young

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
Taking time for myself to just think, analyse, and just be insightful about so many things.

Mistakes. We've all made them. In fact, we think it makes us inhuman sometimes even. I've made many of them too. And I've at many times, beat myself up for making them. And sometimes I get scared about making a mistake. But we can't be scared of life. Part of life is making mistakes and what you are able to learn from. What you can take from those mistakes to make you stronger and wiser in only healthy ways.

I also feel that taking some time to yourself to really think, analyse and figure out things that you may not have seen the previous times to see what it can give you in return.

Sometimes, being able to really think back to a time when we made a mistake or any life event, we are more able to have more insightful thoughts, and conclusions to those that we weren't aware of at first.

Sometimes, it takes many times before we get it right. And we can't be hard on ourselves for that. Life isn't perfect and nor is anything or anyone that's part of our world.

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