A Drink With AJ (lyttlejoe)

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A Drink With AJ

"Raven, meet AJ, Miss Darkly's baker."

Raven nodded and poured two tall glasses of beer

"Too many of those and you'll soon meet your maker."

3Gun laughed and said, "AJ, c'mon sit over here."

"You've done really well since comin' to town."

3Gun watched the young man over the rim of his glass

"Those muffins and brownies have gained some renown."

AJ nodded and smiled, his eyes he kept down.

"Okay, let's not pull punches, you're sweet on CG."

AJ looked up, his face a surprise.

"Cmon out and say it, don't be frightened of me."

AJ felt a warning as he looked in his eyes.

"I did ask the lady in the note that I sent.

She returned it, along with the flower."

"So mind if I ask then, what's your intent?"

Defeat left AJ's taste sour.

"You know the woman whose ankle you bent;

Loren Order, her brother's the Marshall.

That accident might just have bin heaven sent.

Rumour is, to you she's a bit partial."

AJ gulped down his beer his mind doing dances

*Could fate really set his path on this course?*

3Gun raised his glass, toasting romances

"Here's to a fine woman and a very fast horse."

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now