I'll Take Have Brownie Now (Ruechari)

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I'll Have That Brownie Now

Loren heart took flight

When 3Gun belted out his tune

Only to come crashing down

When he sung of the women in town

But the one that broke her heart

Tearing her apart

Was the mention of this CG

He sang of what could be

She really was a fool

She waited far too long

And now he told her so

In song.

He was not hers to have

He belonged to another

Loren got up and left

Planning her feelings to smother

AJ heard the bell to the bakery door ring

The whole town could hear 3Gun sing

Loren had made a vow

But sometimes life just hits you, POW!

With a sad sweet smile she said,

"I'll have that brownie now.

Make that two.

And some coffee, would you?"

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now