Remedy Deliveries (AmbergrisJane)

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Remedy Deliveries

The witch hunt was a failure,

Ruby's nowhere to be seen.

Now death's a certain future,

For Ms Darkly's elder kin.

And so the Shaman steps in,

Ruechari's offer stands.

She'll help the deputy's uncle,

She's his best and only chance.

Miss Darkly nods and then agrees,

For they've got no time to lose.

She gets her baker baking,

A lot of muffins and baked goods.

AJ then starts a-baking,

Filling baskets with good food.

Both are to be delivered,

As quick as only AJ could.

One basket for Ruechari,

Some sustenance for the road.

And there's a message from Ms Darkly,

"Rue, let's meet before you go."

The other basket posed a problem ,

It's to be taken to the Doc's.

It's for 3Gun and for CG,

AJ's super secret love.

His feet like lead, AJ did walk,

Down to the doctor's home.

He gave the door a little knock,

And was answered by 3Gun.

AJ just stood there frozen,

Staring 3Gun in the face.

Twas the first time AJ saw up close,

The man who took care of this place.

3Gun then snapped his fingers,

Bringing AJ to his wits.

3Gun then asked excitedly,

'Bout the basket full of sweets.

"Ms Darkly sent it Sheriff,

These muffins, freshly baked.

I made these with blueberry,

They might help the lady wake."

When 3Gun heard what AJ said,

He quickly let him in.

AJ then brought the basket,

To the room where CG's in.

With the basket fully opened,

The aroma wafted out.

3Gun then asked, "Well, would it work?"

AJ answered, "Sir, We'll soon find out."

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