Another Accident (Ambergris Jane)

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Another Accident

And so the strawberry muffins were done,

With a basketful, AJ took off in a run.

Ms Darkly was already at CG's room,

Making sure that CG won't be alone.

AJ ran at full speed, eyes ahead,

But he didn't see a person crossing the street.

What happened next was a bone jarring collision,

Another delay to AJ's strawberry muffin mission.

His head still woozy, AJ looked at the other person,

To his surprise, it was the lady Loren.

When he asked the lady if she's okay,

"I think I twisted my ankle" was what she had to say.

AJ face became full of concern,

He didn't mean to cause this lady any harm.

He calmly told her keep still, not to worry,

He'll bring her as quickly as he can to Doc UB's.

With one sweep of his arm, he carried Loren,

He then picked up the thankfully unharmed muffins.

With sure and careful steps, AJ carried both safely,

The muffins for CG, the injured lady for Doc UB.

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