Room for One More (Ruechari)

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Room for One More

Lorne heard the click of a gun

A bit too late.

"No Billy, wait!"

Billy held the gun to his temple

"I'll make this real simple

open that door

Unless you want to be lying

On the floor!"

Lorne took out his key

And suddenly Rue was free

She tried walking out of the cell

And then suddenly fell

Jasper went to her,

She was on her knees

"What did he do to you,


"It wasn't him.


Stand down, Billy."

Lorne's sister came in to quite a scene

Wondering what it all did mean?

Rue asked,

"Have you sent the message to 3Gun?"

"Yes, it has been done."

Rue looked at Billy

Who was wearing a frown.

"We have to get back to town."

"Rue you're in no condition to ride."

He looked at her with concern

as she clung onto Jasper's side.

"Steel and her gang are gone

We have no idea for how long

The people in the Gulch are in danger..."

"Will someone PLEASE tell me what's going on?"

Marshall Loren had enough

"No need to be in a huff!

His sister did rebuff.

"This woman saved your skin

You have no idea

The trouble you were in."

"There's really no time.

3Gun and the town are in trouble

with Ruby on her way

this makes it double.

Just be thankful you're not dead

And try helping us instead."

"I don't know what has been...

but I won't take orders

from some redskin."

"Suit yourself.

We're done."

Billy put away his gun.

As we walked to the door.

Loren, the Marshall's sister


"Wait, for one more!"

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now