Until We Meet Again, CG (Ruechari)

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Until We Meet Again, CG

"Any change?"

I asked the Doc.

"No, I'm afraid not."

UB left the room.

AJ took the empty basket away.

I could sense however,

his desire to stay.

"You know if you want her to wake

you've made a dreadful mistake.

Blueberry, the Sheriff may save

But you should have made her favs."

AJ smiled.

A slight bow of his head.

His heart was lighter.

He soon fled.

To get back to baking

Hoping his next delivery

Would have her waking.

Billy said, "Rue, we really ought to go."

I didn't like the idea but said, "I know."

"We'll take Butterfingers and Krackle.

I think SixStar and NoName can use

a rest."

Billy nodded, "Whatever, you think is best."

"Let go save this... Bigbee."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

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