Diner for Two (crazyp01)

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Diner for Two

CG walked in

Almost slammed the door

Stomped on her hat

Which she threw on the floor.

3gun sat silently watchin'

Put his cards away

He'd teach CM about fish

Some other day.

"The way that woman went on

Was enough to drive me insane

Tryin' to butter me up like toast

Assumed I have a fruitcake

For a brain!"

CG moved about

Settin' the table for two

Feeling furious

The longer she was left to brew.

"She said she's Stan's mother

But I know much better

She had better watch it

Or her past will get her!"

3gun moved quickly

pried out the carving knife

Let go of her fingers

Saved the roast turkey's life.

They settled in their seats

With the smell of cranberry sauce 

and apple pie

Silence filled the room

As they gave the meal a try.

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