A Fortunate Accident (AmbergrisJane)

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A Fortunate Accident

AJ went off in a run, he really must hurry,

Double chocolate muffins, he had to bake for CG.

The blueberry ones only made the sheriff full,

But as Ms Rue told him, chocolate might just make CG drool.

He searched Ms Myna's recipe book,

When he saw "chocolate", he didn't care to look.

He followed the instructions, not caring to look twice,

When the baking was done, he was caught by surprise.

AJ scratched his head when he opened the oven,

What he baked was something else, but shaped like a muffin.

It was gooey and moist, it was nothing like cake,

When he checked the recipe, it was brownies he baked!

He wouldn't dare throw it, they were yummy to taste,

And he was a man who wouldn't let a good thing go to waste.

He cut them to squares, then loaded them in trays,

He put them by the window, labelled "Special of the Day"

Just when AJ was about to resume his baking,

A lady entered, saying she's getting tired of fishing,

Would AJ please serve her a brownie or two,

And could that go with a cup of coffee, too?

AJ introduced himself, and did as the lady requested,

The lady left the bakery, smiling and contented.

But before she left, she told him her name,

"The brownies were good, AJ. You can call me Loren."

With a smile and a friendly wave, AJ bid Loren good bye,

He cleaned her table, then quickly went inside.

He still has a batch of chocolate muffins to bake,

Still hopeful that those sweets will help CG wake.

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