Seekin' Advice -2 (lyttlejoe)

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Seekin' Advice

The card game ended with Unger the winner

Smithy offered to look after Clara and Rachael

Will Barter suggested Tiddly get a new line

Or meet the new owner, she sounds mighty fine

Her name's Miss Darkly, drop in and say hi

Check out what she's sellin'

Try some of her pie

You might even like it, there's really no tellin'

Doc U.B. Well laughed at the look on his face

As Tiddly stood up in disgust

Better face facts, the smithy observed

Progress in BG's a must

So you're sayin' I'm done, she's the winner?

Tiddly wiped his face in despair

C'mon, with us, we'll take you to dinner

Doc took his arm, Will ruffled his hair

One thing about my line,

Unger massaged his chin

My door never closes

Folks are just dyin' to get in.

Smithy groaned at the undertaker's joke

My business is pretty good too

When they come in and ask me for help

I just tell 'em to shoe!

Their laughter was loud and

heard through the town

Unaware of the menace

Steel's gang had going down

Busted Gulch Vol. 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant