"Fished My Wish" (Ruechari)

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Fished My Wish

You never answered.

Got any twos?

As it turns out

I do.

Loren took the card

And placed it her hand.

She wasn't put off.

She had a plan.

I know Daddy talked to you.

Even though I asked him not to.

When I found out you left

Things were a bit of a mess.

Daddy and Lorne

Had sworn

Not to let me

Out of their sight.

They didn't believe

I wouldn't leave

To try and find you

So locked me up tight.

I always been one to

wear my heart on my sleeve

but I never meant

for you to leave.

I'm not that little girl anymore.

I've learned what matters most

is what you do with the time you spend.

All things come to an end.

Do you have any tens?

Go fish.

Loren picked up a card.

As she watched him put up his guard.

Loren grinned. 

Fished my wish.

I really like the game of fish...

it's all about making pairs.

3Gun didn't now what to say,

All he could do was stare. 

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