Shades of the Old West (lyttlejoe)

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Shades of the Old West

"Sheriff, sheriff!" Little Ron cried

"There's a man wants to see you.

He's waitin' outside!"

Outside, in front of the saloon

Where the street lanterns flickered

The man stood 'neath a full moon

3Gun eyed the stranger 

Dressed like a drover

He took a pause to assess the danger

"You got my gal inside your jail.

I want her out now or you I'm gonna nail."

3Gun shifted his feet and sighed

He explained his case

But the words just died

The stranger drew, shots rang out

It was over in a second

And he heard Unger let out a shout

A glass was placed on the bar with care

And he took it with him

To his seat under the stair

After a moment the music started again

It was business as usual

3Gun drank away his heart's pain

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